Author Topic: [AoB] Architects of Blockland - 2012  (Read 27666 times)

Aw I was gonna explain that.  Oh well, early bird catches the worm.

Glad we ditched the circular HQ idea in the end, it didn't look too good, see you all on tomorrow and hopefully rem's pretty much finalized his plans for the new HQ and we can all critique it.

oh cool new layout .
may join.

No add members to OP? :c

I wish I didn't have to go so early every day but I always come back and there's a bunch of progress but nobody's on until later.

Does this clan happen to have anything to do with modelng and Add-On making? I'm looking for a cool clan to join.

I totally forgot to finish the 2011 AoB app. Oh well, a new year means a new app. Soon.

Does this clan happen to have anything to do with modelng and Add-On making? I'm looking for a cool clan to join.

AoB is primarily a building clan, with a side focus in events. No models or add-on making, sorry :p

how do i get in again? is it like last year?

how do i get in again? is it like last year?

If you were in AoB last year, which I know you were, at least for the beginning, just get in touch with me in-game and I'll put you on the list.

I think I'm gonna try to join. I tried once last year, but I didn't have the attention span to finish my build before the server was changed, so it was lost.

aw server is down

Server is back up. Last save was less than an hour before the crash.

Damn, I can't be on again today. I'll head over and work on my app tomorrow.