Author Topic: World Of Blockland  (Read 11937 times)

Been suggested before.

Yeah, probably several times. :o

No, thank you. World of Warcraft is one of the worst games ever made. Any influences from it would result in total cunt scabbatry. And then, you're inexperienced and... well... rather stupid so I can't see this getting done with any sign of pwn.

No, thank you. World of Warcraft is one of the worst games ever made. Any influences from it would result in total donkey scabbatry. And then, you're inexperienced and... well... rather stupid so I can't see this getting done with any sign of pwn.
Have you played WoW before?

Yeah, it was soooo boring. It was handicapped beyond all recognition.

Yeah, it was soooo boring. It was handicapped beyond all recognition.
You probably only played the trial, as most people have. A trial should draw you into a game, but WoW's trial is balls. They don't give much in the trial because they want you to pay for the whole experience.

In terms of MMORPGs, WoW is probably the best. This is all opinion of course, but looking at the features it offers you can clearly see that no other MMO offers as much. Maybe you just don't like MMORPGs, that doesn't make WoW handicapped though. Hell people think Blockland is gay, but you might not. Does that make Blockland gay? No.
I hate all the WoW bashers here. It's just a game and just because you don't like it doesn't mean you have to say it's handicapped.

actually the orignial SWG was the best but thety screwed it up so WoW is better now

actually the orignial SWG was the best but thety screwed it up so WoW is better now
dancing wookies.

yeah, best MMORPG.

actually the orignial SWG was the best but thety screwed it up so WoW is better now
I'm just saying that I'm sick of all the bashers. Everywhere I go, almost everyone I meet says WoW is stupid. Most of them say it only because they hear it from other people who say it and really have no idea. I went on pandaing "Scions of Fate" forums and people were bashing it. They were saying how WoW didn't have any diversity and that sucked. SoF is the kind of MMORPG that has item sets, like in Silkroad. Bronze bracers, bronze chest, bronze shoulders, bronze leggings, bronze helmet, etc. Basically as you level you get a new piece of the next armor set until final level when you have the same ice cream as everyone else.

Where the panda is the diversity in that. D:<

I'm done ranting for now.

blockland + rpg = plz noe

blockland + rpg = plz noe
blockland + rpg = ownage sause
Blockland + MOD + WoW = people crying cuz its so good

blockland + rpg = plz noe
blockland + rpg = ownage sause
Blockland + MOD + WoW = people crying cuz its so good
agreed and lol i need the rtb rpg mod somewhere so i can make an rpg mod cause i found a tree.dts in base/data/shapes/bricks