
is talgo coolest


Author Topic: Assault Regiment Extreme Stabbers [ARES] - Best Grapple knifers TDM clan  (Read 272856 times)

he's been gone since like

I didn't get the memo

loving interns

s h i t clan

User was banned for this post
Lol grimlock got the first non-bolded ban ever! Give him a medal!

yay, blockland update.

Auto saving is fixed.

s h i t clan

User was banned for this post
furman cant save you now bitch

I suggest wire fence bricks for server.

Lol grimlock got the first non-bolded ban ever! Give him a medal!
how much of a failure do you even need to be

I need some suggestions for this space station I'm making.

Me and Phantom made A small Support Ship for the build.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2013, 07:32:25 PM by Badger »

Hey guys I made a ship.

wait fuk

I got a new deal for my phone, It can now go on the internet properly
You'll never get rid of me

"2 big 4 1 server"

Server magically re-appeared.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2013, 01:14:06 PM by Badger »

How 2 get invloved in clan?

I would totaly die of anguish if I were told to model some vehicles.

Augh, Comr4de, what have you doooooone!?