
is talgo coolest


Author Topic: Assault Regiment Extreme Stabbers [ARES] - Best Grapple knifers TDM clan  (Read 285914 times)

Funfact: Com is a furry!
I can confirm this

A couple days ago he asked me about some furry websites

so my impersonation turned out to be true?

I'm going to dump this here so if I ever find it absolutely necessary to use it, I will.

I remember when I helped you get your phone working on the first day of class. If I had known this is the sort of stuff I would end up with, I would've left you to fiddle with it on your own. Yes, I've been an starfish. Yes, I've done some stupid stuff. Yes, I've brown townyzed every action you've made, and put you under a magnifying glass nobody should ever have to be under. And I'm sorry. There's not much I can do at this point but just up and loving leave so I'll do just that. What I want to tell you however, is that it's not for a lack of trying.

For three months I've tried being your friend. I've done so much to try and be a good friend, tried to be there and whatnot, but apparently that's not good enough. I get that your last relationship sucked. I get that apparently I remind you of your ex boyfriend. I GET IT. What I do not get is your inane grudge that you hold against me for things I haven't done! You've accused me of being childish for playing with plastic toy soldiers. These are strong allegations coming from someone who plays a pet fighting simulator. You've told me I'm irritating, obnoxious, and downright unsociable. I've devoted time and energy to hang out with you but apparently that's not good enough. During one of the most stressful times of my recent life, you left me for dead (almost literally) and said (and I quote) "forget that". I don't care what you think of my looks or demeanor. What I care about is that you have the gall to call me your friend and turn around and treat me like utter garbage. Now, you're not alone on that boat but I'm talking about you right now. I can think of ten things off of the top of my head which are "too sensitive" for me to talk about or make fun of around you, things that you've told me before aren't conversation subject material. That's cool, never really intended on using them anyways. However, when you ridicule me for MY OWN insecurities and fears, and expect me to just take it from you like food from an open palm is when I call bullstuff. I've taken the time (and energy) to write this just so maybe you can figure out that just because one person treats you like utter stuff (and you damn know well who I'm talking about) doesn't mean you can turn around and assume that that's ACCEPTABLE loving SOCIAL BEHAVIOR HOOOLY stuff. HOW CAN YOU SINCERELY BELIEVE THAT PEOPLE LIKE TO BE GREETED WITH INSULTS WHEN THEY WALK INTO THE ROOM WHAT ARE YOU handicapped. THERE IS A REASON MARC HAD TROUBLE KEEPING, NOT loving MAKING BUT KEEPING FRIENDS. IT'S BECAUSE HE'S AN starfish. JUST BECAUSE YOU'RE IN ROME DOES NOT MEAN YOU SHOULD DO AS THE loving ROMANS DO, NOT WHEN THEY'RE HUNTING SMALL ANIMALS AND SCREAMING EXPLETIVES AS LOUD AS THEY CAN. HOW DENSE. CAN YOU BE.

I'm hoping that something bad happens to him soon. Not in the physical sense, like losing a hand or something. If that happens my sincerest condolences, that's one less appendage he can hurt people with. I mean something socially, like getting fired or being disowned. That's exactly what he deserves with the way he treats other people. There's a reason he and his father didn't get along. It's because he doesn't know the definition of respect. It kills me that you're going down (pun? perhaps) with that ship, because there's no real future with social skills like that. Maybe you see him as a project. Maybe you think you can fix him well let me help you out there, one of the sweetest and kindest people I know tried it and THEY FAILED. Now they try to pretend it didn't happen.

For once I'd like it if you'd listen to me. I know that when you finish reading this I'll be blocked (c'est la vie) and you'll never speak to me again, but I needed to say this. So long, and thanks for all the games (PS, they're in a package at the mail office. I figured you wouldn't want to see me once you read this so the deposit slip is in your mailbox.)
« Last Edit: February 04, 2013, 03:34:35 AM by comr4de »

stop yiffing and get reactors server back up, badger has the latest save.

dear viocnis
the server for unknown reasons crashed today (probably one of kalphiters plots.........)...
please load your latest save of the TDM when you next join
because mine is really old
« Last Edit: January 05, 2013, 10:30:35 PM by Tingalz »

Best Clan 2012

I'm serious

I always liked space sheeps so it is my pleasure to hopefully have helped out with that heightcontrol thingy. :)
If you encounter any problems, please, don't be afraid to PM me, i would be glad to help out.

Also i do agree, ARES is in my opinion, one of the best clans in Blockland.

Well we are on loving time

Well we are on loving time
so? go yiff in hell furcigarette!  <3 

That only makes it hotter