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Author Topic: Assault Regiment Extreme Stabbers [ARES] - Best Grapple knifers TDM clan  (Read 272859 times)

and then frog died of anguish

Look what you made me do!  D:<

Look what you made me do!  D:<

Frog we need a dropship vehicle working height control support, somethin that we could use to fly into battle and stuff.

Phantom, find the probable dimensions of the aceus landing bay, then we can go from there

Phantom, find the probable dimensions of the aceus landing bay, then we can go from there
Dimensions of the launch pods should double the size of the ship basicly, so the ship is around 300 bricks long, the length should be around 150 them, ship will be about 3 48x baseplates wide so it should be about 80 wide minus exterior wall space this lowers it by 12 bricks to launch area is 68, height is gona be about 60 heigh (180 plates)
To sum it up
Size of launch pod: x-150 y-80 z-60 (180 plates)
Size of landing area (subtracting supposed room of exterior): x-146 y- 68 z-45 (135 plates)

I can make a droship, but I'm not sure about the additional mechanics for it..

I can make a droship, but I'm not sure about the additional mechanics for it..
My friend Lordican, Guy who made Height control Support Mod, I can ask him to script it if you give him the model.

My friend Lordican, Guy who made Height control Support Mod, I can ask him to script it if you give him the model.
This might help?

Information regarding usage of this mod for modders:
Insert these lines in the datablock of your vehicle:
Code: [Select]
//Heighcontrol parameters
heightcontrol= 1; //Enables the heightcontrol support for this vehicle
ascendVelocity= 1.00; //The velocity it adds when a user presses/holds the jumpkey
descendVelocity= -1.00; //The velocity it extracts when a user presses/holds the jumpkey
And you succesfully added support for this add-on.

Or do you mean the entire vehicle?
Because i am terrible at coding the handling of vehicles, for some reason.
Not that it is hard, just the fine tuning man...
« Last Edit: January 04, 2013, 06:08:02 PM by lordician »

I was told by Vionix who was told by Tingalz who was told by Comr4de that com is a furry!