A look at the main core on Aceis. By making it bigger and all default there is a better chance of it getting done as proven here. A player will not actually enter this room but instead view it from the control booth right outside behind a glass panel. Do to the size I plan on giving it a large crew made up of AI Holes that will take all the less important jobs so that way a group between 16-36 can roleplay and always be in an important area. If I felt like it I could even make the whole thing be based around being a member of the bridge crew. Anyways for the ships crew I plan the following
Bridge- Main Flight Controls: Players: 3 Bots: 4
Bridge- CIC: Players: 4 Bots: 8
Communications- Ship to Ship: Players: 2 Bots: 6
Communications- Across Ship: Players: 1 Bots: 4
Engineering- Primal Parts: Players: 4 Bots: 8
Engineering- Maintenance: Players: 2 Bots: 10
Gunner: Players: 0 Bots: 16
Pilot- Spacecraft: Players: 4 Bots: 0
Pilot- Land/Watercraft: Players: 2 Bots: 0
Soldier- Security: Players: 4 Bots: 6
Soldier- Marine: Players: 2 Bots: 10
Soldier- Spec Op: Players: 2 Bots: 1
Medical Staff- Doctor: Players: 1 Bots: 0
Medical Staff- Nurse: Players: 0 Bots: 5
Control Group- Hangers: Players: 2 Bots: 4
Control Group- Security: Players: 1 Bots: 3
Control Group- Cargo: Players: 2 Bots: 4
Intel Officers: Players: 1 Bots: 7
Passenger: Players: 3 Bots: 1
Prisoner: Players: 0 Bots: 3
Mess Hall/Galley Workers: Players: 2 Bots: 3
Total Count: Players: 36 Bots: 99 | Overall: 135
You might notice some positions that only bots have or only players have. The reason behind this is there are some jobs that are to pointless for a player to have but still add to the roleplay. Then there is some jobs that are just to complex for a bot to do.
Now see with the crew set up like this a roleplay could work in this fashion "The players in Communications ship to ship get a message about an assault on the ship. They go over to ship communications and the message is once again relayed through them to the bridge. The captain gets the message and sends a message to ship communications which is sent to cargo. Cargo states they are running low on ammo but have enough to fire off in the timespan a FTL jump can be pulled off. This message is sent to Engineering- Primal Systems and Bridge- CIC. CIC approves and tells Main Flight Controls, Gunners, and Engineering. Gunners start firing off the cannons. Engineering preps all system for a jump. Engineering calls Ship com to put this message through to CIC that the ship is ready. Once again 2 messages are sent, one to gunners to stand down and one to main flight controls. Main Flight Controls activate the systems from there part to do the hyperspace jump and the ship is saved! Afterwards Engineering- Maintenance go out onto the hull to fix damages in battle and the Medical Staff treats the wounded."
See in a system like this all jobs are interconnected for combat procedures and other roleplay purposes. On another note Blocko-World server is up for us to go in and make the booth. Any questions?