Author Topic: Alyx Vance: COUNTRY PRIDE  (Read 39517 times)

Alright I thought i'd just throw this in:
1. I know i'm an idiot which is why I try not to argue to much because I lack book smarts.
2. Sorry I lack grammar I try to redo what I type so it makes more sense.
3. I haven't to much control over my accent especially in true life.
4. (I forgot)
5. I still feel like i'm on a boat.

Did you really just say Book Smarts?


Did you really just say Book Smarts?

Yea I just said book smarts why?

Yea I just said book smarts why?
lole guis im from sowth i must be supr stupid thats what its lik in movies so must be tru

Yea I just said book smarts why?
It just proves how dumb you are.
Are you like other rednecks? Did you drop out of school when you were 12?

It just proves how dumb you are.
Are you like other rednecks? Did you drop out of school when you were 12?
All I did is say book smarts? What should I have said?

And no i'm still in school.

He probably fakes all of this.

He probably fakes all of this.
Then he'd be a bigger idiot than the way he acts.
Who would ever want to be labeled as some southern redneck trailer trash?

He probably fakes all of this.
I've never seen accents carried over into text.  I have friends down there that never use 'aint' and 'monday' in chat

I've never seen regional words carried over into text.  I have friends down there that never use 'aint' and 'monday' in chat

If you think i'm talking with the way I talk online you haven't seen nothing yet. My true way of speakings pretty damn far off.
What i'm saying: How many minutes are in 2 months?
What I end up saying: How many mints are in 2 munts?
How I say my o's: Ow  Example: Gone = Go-own
Trust me its a hell a lot worse in actual life.

Trust me I try to talk correctly online but when I don't think about it I just type the way I talk in real life. Also sorry bout the fact I have a Hick way of speaking. I may have been born in the 16th largest city in the world but I was raised in a small county where I learned to speak. If you want feel free to correct my grammar and i'll take and try to learn off that.

Or you could just stop posting like a handicap babbios.

Or you could just stop posting like a handicap babbios.
Not much I can do about the way I talk. Now I can try to control it on the forums and all but in actual life I sound like a moron using grammar. Proven fact quit a few people agree that when some people out here try to talk correctly we sound awfully stupid.

Alright heres what i'll do:
1. I'll stop posting stories
2. I'll try to stop my Hick talk.
3. ????

Someone give me a 3.

I'd rather ask gave newell that
stuff forget meant gabe
derp derp