Author Topic: Mint's City RPG  (Read 15216 times)

This city rpg is great! No lag, and Mint is a great host!

Bank, PD and resurce terminals are broken.
They just display a message that they can only be created by admins.

« Last Edit: April 07, 2012, 04:23:34 AM by Inconnue »

Some richard named Lugnut banned me for a couple cuss words and nothing more.

I have a feeling ive seen him on the forums.
Lugnut is NOT a richard. He banned you because your offensive language, multiple bank killings, and your lying to admin attitude. Don't bad mouth people doing their job.

Resource Selling and banks are broken.

« Last Edit: April 07, 2012, 04:23:17 AM by Inconnue »

I build stuff for people for a living. If you need something built and you don't have time to build or you completely suck at building entirely, pm me. Unfortunately I can't link pictures of my builds on my phone, but I assure satisfaction. I also might not have access to a computer until Monday afternoon. :(

Bank, PD and resurce terminals are broken.
They just display a message that they can only be created by admins.

They're supposed to be admin only.

Oh I see. Non-admins cant even use them. I thought you were trying to make your own.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2012, 09:01:35 AM by Dexxtter »

They're supposed to be admin only.

Oh I see. Non-admins cant even use them. I thought you were trying to make your own.
Nonadmins can.
OnActivate - Self - SkylineBankPrompt

Last night when Mint fixed it I couldn't use the events. :u

Last night when Mint fixed it I couldn't use the events. :u

and now it's broken

I also want to point out that if you just joined the server and spawn, your tools are there, but however you cannot access to them, the only solution that I know so far is to Self Delete, but I hope this gets fixed eventually.

i banned iconnue/senyor derpy hooves for 5 hours for uh
rules 5 and 3 (?) jailing in bank and the cussing one
i banned white tiger and white tigers first (3 hours) (1 hour)
white tiger for 5 and 3
*'s first for "probably not legit, and probably multi-keying"

Here's the problem, Resource, Bank, and Police Terminals only work if the Admin who placed them is IN the server.

I also want to point out that if you just joined the server and spawn, your tools are there, but however you cannot access to them, the only solution that I know so far is to Self Delete, but I hope this gets fixed eventually.
The first time you join since a restart, you won't have access to your tools, but when you join the server after that, you will.