Author Topic: Cognitive Conundrum - Now with actual updates. Just come on in.  (Read 20508 times)

Initiate Scooby Doo Style chase scene

Open all the doors, but dont go inside em yet.

It took you four days to do that?
Holy stuff that's kinda slow :l
I have been very busy :I

Open ALL the doors.

And pray to Morganspirit that none of them have an SCP behind them.

inb4Swholli actually starts on the Msmm comicbook that he's making

Shh. If we mention it then it's doomed to never be completed!

And pray to Morganspirit that none of them have an SCP behind them.

Tingalz is behind all doors.

I smacked my Mama.
She didn't like it very much.

Tingalz is behind all doors.

Right right


Shh. If we mention it then it's doomed to never be completed!
God that cover is so hot.

God that cover is so hot.

I got a big penor in that pic!

Listen to the Beatle's music for clues on a door to pick.

You suggest to Marc that you should take a listen to some Beatles music and that there might be a clue to which door is the engine room. Marc ends up whipping out his good ol' bong and bean bag, blazing up, and jamming on his iPod. Marc, now high as a kite, has become a bit incapacitated. You can only control Menen for the time being until Marc isn't so spaced out.

Open all the doors, Dont go inside yet.