Author Topic: DAY Z MEGATHREAD - OP finally gets this mod.  (Read 110685 times)



run them both once
play tutorial
download and run sixlauncher
options>disable steam launch and enable force beta update
update and play

True, but one shot with that thing in a town, you will attract so much aggro...

True, but one shot with that thing in a town, you will attract so much aggro...

Lee-Enfield is not for zombie killing, it's for player killing.
Watching DayZ livestreams I see people like Puddn and his friends getting worried when they hear a Lee-Enfield, even though they have suppressed M14/16/4/whatever's and such purely because it is one shot kill, if you're using it then you have bigger things to worry about than the zombies who can't even reach you where you are
« Last Edit: July 22, 2012, 02:41:13 AM by Tokthree »

run them both once
play tutorial
download and run sixlauncher
options>disable steam launch and enable force beta update
update and play

whole tutorial, or just like moving around tutorial?

Every non-vehicle tutorial, especially the OA tutorials. And then play armory to try the stuff out.

Is this needed for the install? I've already familiarized myself with the controls and weapons at a friend's house.

Is this needed for the install? I've already familiarized myself with the controls and weapons at a friend's house.

Not needed, but you will do better in DayZ if you familiarize yourself with combat situations and the weaponry itself before jumping in.
Some people in this thread might do some armoury co-op with you if you ask nicely

I'll gladly host it for anybody who wants to play armory.

I need to get my bearings

Where is the lighthouse?

There's like 5.

Oh. Alright, nvm I think I found something
« Last Edit: July 22, 2012, 03:14:30 AM by Darkness ZXW »

Oh. Alright, nvm I think I found something
gtfo with your noobness and learn it yourself
gtfo with your noobness and learn it yourself

already have that open as a tab

already have that open as a tab

what did i say about gtfoing!!!