
Favorite lane?

Bot Lane
57 (35.2%)
Middle Lane
46 (28.4%)
Top Lane
36 (22.2%)
Jungle Lane
23 (14.2%)

Total Members Voted: 162

Author Topic: League of Legends - Megathread  (Read 431860 times)

I love Gangplank so damn much

I love Gangplank so damn much

ap gp op.

btw, my league name is my forum name, level 30, NA.

Build GP crit strike and win.

Build GP crit strike and win.

once you get 100% you never use your sword ever again.

Or build him super korean mode

Build GP crit strike and win.
I get statikk shiv and infin edge if possible, then a bunch of other random stuff that I buy on a whim, mostly involving AD, MS, and crit chance

Shiv > Sheen > Infinity > Trinity is basically loads of damage.

Yeah I should probably get a sheen earlier on than I do now.
Generally I'll also buy a guardian angel eventually, but if I haven't died more than once or twice anyhow I'll likely just get a zephyr, because movement speed is OP

I build statikk, wits, randuins, frozen mallet, GA

I build statikk, wits, randuins, frozen mallet, GA
Not too much damage though :/

it works. I went mid one time against a fiddle (who I must say was not that good), and I didn't leave lane until I had 7.5k gold. The build really work though, it works with gp's passive and is really good if your lane opponent build armor. You also max your W first, then E, and Q :)

it works. I went mid one time against a fiddle (who I must say was not that good), and I didn't leave lane until I had 7.5k gold. The build really work though, it works with gp's passive and is really good if your lane opponent build armor. You also max your W first, then E, and Q :)
Why max w first?
It's kinda strong, but you aren't scaling with it and it isn't giving you too much benefit other than insane sustain, which you shouldn't really need. I generally max q and w still heals pretty well.

always max q first on gp or your champion spotlight will get a million dislikes

Nobody in low elo is going to expect you to max W. it good, trust me

Nobody in low elo is going to expect you to max W. it good, trust me
how about as jungler