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57 (35.2%)
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46 (28.4%)
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36 (22.2%)
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23 (14.2%)

Total Members Voted: 162

Author Topic: League of Legends - Megathread  (Read 432086 times)

is anyone getting such high ping?
while playing a game im getting ~400-800 ping, and i usually only get 70-100.
I've been getting weird random lagspikes.

much like phflack, I'll think I'm just all alone, then suddenly I'm getting triples in a teamfight

just weird, I guess. It hasn't been happening very often though

is anyone getting such high ping?
while playing a game im getting ~400-800 ping, and i usually only get 70-100.
I have been a lot, but my internet's been acting up too, so I dunno

Here's how it actually went down.

Some troll arranged team decided to all go mid, with the rules that they cannot go back unless they die, and they must always go mid. This inspired the community to make ARAM themselves, however, with only Summoner's Rift and Twisted Treeline being available, ARAM was originally played on Summoner's Rift. Everyone must go mid and cannot go back unless they died. Of course, being an unofficial mode, cheating happened sometimes.

Riot responded by making the tutorial map, Proving Grounds, into a single lane map for custom games. It included a built in feature where players could not buy items unless they had just spawned, and cannot recover from the platform.

O that's cool to know.

One game recently, none of the terrain showed.
Only independent objects, such as the shopkeeper, turrets, and the river, etc. showed. The trees did not show.
It was kinda cool.

One game recently, none of the terrain showed.
Only independent objects, such as the shopkeeper, turrets, and the river, etc. showed. The trees did not show.
It was kinda cool.
One time in the middle of a game all the trees disappeared and then i crashed.

One time in the middle of a game all the trees disappeared and then i crashed.
It ran perfectly other than that though.

One game recently, none of the terrain showed.
Only independent objects, such as the shopkeeper, turrets, and the river, etc. showed. The trees did not show.
It was kinda cool.
i ahve something i guess similar
like where the minion turrets turn all blocky and stuff
wtf goin on

It sure is impossible to climb this ladder

some of us aren't best everything NA
You don't need to be; I did it as well. Albeit I'm not as high as nethog, it's possible.
Find something you can carry as and stick to it. It just takes practice and dedication.

i did it
why cant you
You don't need to be; I did it as well. Albeit I'm not as high as nethog, it's possible.
Find something you can carry as and stick to it. It just takes practice and dedication.
It's the fact that my teams always consists of handicaps or trolls and even if I do good in my lane, every other lane feeds or does really bad. People also give up way too early and quit trying. not that easy for me to carry by myself when the enemy team always seems to be competent unlike mine

It's the fact that my teams always consists of handicaps or trolls and even if I do good in my lane, every other lane feeds or does really bad. People also give up way too early and quit trying. not that easy for me to carry by myself when the enemy team always seems to be competent unlike mine
i've only read that 400 times in this topic

It's the fact that my teams always consists of handicaps or trolls and even if I do good in my lane, every other lane feeds or does really bad. People also give up way too early and quit trying. not that easy for me to carry by myself when the enemy team always seems to be competent unlike mine
just happened to me a while ago
our yi was blaming everyone for not helping him, and he was feeding a lot
so he left the game when we were level 6 and he was level 4
30 minutes into the game, enemies are at our base, and he decides to come back on
he feeds, and leaves.

i seriously hate people like this. :/