
Favorite lane?

Bot Lane
57 (35.2%)
Middle Lane
46 (28.4%)
Top Lane
36 (22.2%)
Jungle Lane
23 (14.2%)

Total Members Voted: 162

Author Topic: League of Legends - Megathread  (Read 425518 times)

Yeah i know but its harder to start explaining that theres a hidden elo than just saying what i said. Because saying that he plays in a low normalelo would be mean and i have noticed that if you say the truth in this topic you're instant starfish


Also theres this site called Lolking where you can easily checkout example everyone who plays from the bl forums - The link leads to my profile
You play a lot of AD Kennen

Pulsefire Ezreal is out.

Pulsefire Ezreal is out.
me when it was announced: "TOTALLY GETTING THIS YES"

me now: "man i don't even play ezreal and i'm poor"

Anyone got some good tips for Alistar building/playing?
I figure that it's good to start with RoA after Doran's Shield and boots (cooldown ones), but I never feel tanky enough and I get harassed down really easily.

RoA is more for tanky AP Casters or casters that need a bit more of a mana pool for team fights (Swain, Orianna, Anivia, etc.)

If you wanna feel more tanky go for true tank items like Frozen Heart (Really great item) Randuin's Omen, Force of nature. Most alistars tend to go supporty tank builds (Shurelia's reverie, aegis, randuin's, frozen heart, zeke's herald)

For team fights try and pulverise the most amount of people you can at the same time as you'll probably only have time for the one unless it's a dragged out team fight. Save headbutt for when you need to save someone from something (Like a tryndamere going towards your Kog'Maw's face or that Katarina ulting everyone.) Or use headbutt as a gapcloser and pulverise when you land in the middle of the enemy team.

Also cdr boots sounds really situational I can't actually think of a situation where cdr boots would be appropriate. You should generally buy Merc treads (the tenacity passive is so useful it's almost op. The magic resist is really good too) or ninja tabi if the enemy has a LOT of ad or the enemy ad carry is like 100% scarier than the rest of the enemy team.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2012, 06:28:10 PM by Acid »

or boots of move really fast to move really fast. i usually see people taking mobility boots on supports, it seems.

Hey guys, which is better? Shaco, Udyr, or Nocturne?

Deciding on a new champ.

if you're strictly jungling probably nocturne but it's a choice between udyr and nocturne tbh. shaco is almost permabanned in any ranked game thats at the general elo, so you won't get any playtime.. udyr can be played top also so he's pretty fun and noc is a really good jungler but isn't the best at anything else (udyr is in top tiers for both jungling and top lane)

Hey, I just jungled as Tristana in intermediate bots (yes, I know, not viable not viable not viable) and had a blast, and even solo'd Baron.
I think that's the third champ I've solo'd Baron with, others were Teemo and Yi I believe.
EDIT: I need to watch more ranked games, just a little bit is great help.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2012, 08:46:56 PM by Katadeus »

Anyone got some good tips for Alistar building/playing?
I figure that it's good to start with RoA after Doran's Shield and boots (cooldown ones), but I never feel tanky enough and I get harassed down really easily.
You're not tanky enough because you're trying to play AP Alistar. Every time I play against an AP Alistar he just gets melted, ult or not. And then when I mock the enemy team saying they have no tank, they reply "rofl idiot alistar is tank" and really, he isn't when he has RoA, AA Staff, lich bane, deathcap, doran's ring (depending on how far the game is going), and sorc boots. Sure has CC and a decent burst, and a spammable AoE heal, but it really doesn't make up for what a support/tank/ad Alistar can do.
If you build a tanky/support/AD Alistar like me, you have the CC, not-as-good-but-still-decent bursting, great tanking, and some nice auras. Even early game when you have 1-2 gp/10 items and boots of mobility, you can ward everywhere you need to on the map and still make it back to bottom lane before anything big happens.

Never follow the same build pattern every game, but this is usually what I build on Alistar.

HP Regen -> Philo Stone
Boots -> Mobility
Winning really really badly?: Sheen + Phage -> Trinity Force (if you can afford it, good luck this early), and if you really can, MORE WARDS
Equal grounds?: ruby + cloth armor -> Aegis of Legion + MORE WARDS
Not doing so well?: Heart of Gold + MORE WARDS
If you got Trinity Force built, well done, get Aegis if you don't already have it.
If you don't have it yet, and you were trying to build it, and things seem to be going not as good as before, get Aegis if you don't have it yet.
If you have Aegis, get Sheen if you don't have it or trinity force. With your ult and base damage alone, sheen will go great with your headbutt. You can auto attack during a headbutt. This pretty much makes headbutt apply on-hit affects like Parley and Urchin Strike, on top of it's very useful knockback.
If your team is still not doing too well and you already have aegis and sheen, get warden's or a negatron cloak depending on which is hurting you more between PD and MD. Always look at death recaps. They tell you what's hurting you the most between 3 sources of damage from 3 enemies. If wardens or negatron cloak isn't good enough to stop that PD or MD you're taking, build them further. Warden's into randuin's, Negatron into Quicksilver Sash. Keep in mind that both of these items have actives, and you'll want to move them into the 1-3 slots. Good players know Alistar's ult removes all current CC on him, and they will usually try to bait you into using it before you need it in a teamfight. Quicksilver sash allows you to have two CC cures without needing to give up one of your summoner's for cleanse. If you're just removing CC, use sash first. It has a shorter cooldown.
Once everything's complete, you'll likely have: reverie (whenever you feel you need it after philo stone), omen, sash, trinity force, aegis, and any boots you prefer for lategame.

Of course, you don't absolutely need reverie, omen, and sash. Replace them with whatever you feel you need most, but just be sure you're replacing omen with armor, sash with magic resist, and reverie with another support item or even warmogs if you swing that way, or even an empty space for MORE WARDS. Just make sure you're keeping trinity force and aegis of legion. Replace boots once you feel the movespeed isn't needed anymore.

People don't seem to realize the potential with trinity force on Alistar. His ult gives him a flat AD buff (+60/75/90). Trinity force will scale this (x2.5, aka +150/187.5/225) without needing to smack them multiple times (Attack speed, which it gives anyways). It also gives crit for that chance of scaling it even more. You're tanky, supporty, a heavy CC dealer, and can still burst their squishies with ease.
Now what would you rather have? A super hybrid of a Tank/Support/AD, or just a squishy melee Veigar who isn't benefiting from the AD of his ult?

Also, don't get Doran's Shield.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2012, 09:20:31 PM by Chrono »

if you're strictly jungling probably nocturne but it's a choice between udyr and nocturne tbh. shaco is almost permabanned in any ranked game thats at the general elo, so you won't get any playtime.. udyr can be played top also so he's pretty fun and noc is a really good jungler but isn't the best at anything else (udyr is in top tiers for both jungling and top lane)
What about Tryn or Maokai or someone, I'm looking for a good jungler.

My bro likes using Nocturne and Xin Zhao as junglers.

What about Tryn or Maokai or someone, I'm looking for a good jungler.
one of the best junglers at the moment is nocturne. shyvana and mundo are also good

Who wants to make a ranked team with the following goals in mind:
-Always fun allowed
-No surrendering
-Testing builds and team comp that probably wont work
-Acquiring extremely low ELO
-No complaining, ever, even if someone's intentionally doing good on our team