
Favorite lane?

Bot Lane
57 (35.2%)
Middle Lane
46 (28.4%)
Top Lane
36 (22.2%)
Jungle Lane
23 (14.2%)

Total Members Voted: 162

Author Topic: League of Legends - Megathread  (Read 432321 times)

good stream
but everyone missed the penta!

Anyone up for a game right now? I got one other.

good stream
but everyone missed the penta!
I know!
Edit: I highlighted the penta (Plus a kill on trist which shows why I usually don't initiate with Q if I don't have to)

I'm going back online in a few minutes, if anybody wants to know. I think you guys make ranked at least a little bit tolerable. Should I do commentary? (Like, with my mic?)



This was my last promo match to gold 1
« Last Edit: July 14, 2014, 06:37:03 PM by Evar678 »

bleh i cant stand locked screen

bleh i cant stand locked screen
I play with both; I'll unlock it when I don't need to actively track my champion.

penta as yi? pfft
Two, in gold 1 solo q. Not hard, but meh.

New client looks amazing

The store page, profile page, and "play" page are all the same just with the new header at the top.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2014, 12:12:06 AM by duckman1229 »

Almost third page?

Where is all the patch discussion? Jungle timers?

wtf@doom bots
those things hurt man
I get to solo top against a morgana and ziggs
and morgana has shotgun Qs
and ziggs Q explodes into homing bombs

... their easiest setting is pain

Those doombots are no match to my pro Caitlyn skills.

I haven't beat them yet ;-;

I played 2 games so far and won both. The lowest level, then the next. I have yet to challenge the hardest difficulty. Both games they took out some of our inhibs. I died very little in each game.

Honestly, I think the way to beat them is just to play safe, but take every advantage. You can't be diving in all the time, or you will lose, but they are bots and therefore dumb. You can effectively harass them and they will make poor decisions when backing. You just wait and strike.

EDIT: 1 and 2 deaths, 17 and 13 kills.

don't die

Finally back in bronze 2, only one more tier to go before silver series

so to get the doom bots avatar do I just have to win any level of difficulty against them?