
Favorite lane?

Bot Lane
57 (35.2%)
Middle Lane
46 (28.4%)
Top Lane
36 (22.2%)
Jungle Lane
23 (14.2%)

Total Members Voted: 162

Author Topic: League of Legends - Megathread  (Read 433916 times)

so to get the doom bots avatar do I just have to win any level of difficulty against them?
just play a game, it doesn't matter if you win or lose

i played two and lost both and got it

This should be a poll, but because I am not the creator of this megathread, here it goes.

What feature do you anticipate most in lol? (Reworks, buffs, nerfs, the new map)

i've won them on all difficulties now, easiest on first try second one on second and third on the third

not dying and playing really passively is the best against them, if you fall behind in levels you're pretty useless
random teams really suck because people dont realise that and go on the bots when they are 2 or more levels behind after being too agressive

i've won them on all difficulties now, easiest on first try second one on second and third on the third

not dying and playing really passively is the best against them, if you fall behind in levels you're pretty useless
random teams really suck because people dont realise that and go on the bots when they are 2 or more levels behind after being too agressive
Yeah. People also choose poor champion match-ups and choose bad strategies for laning. My first game of Doom Bots V had someone choose Aatrox top, which is awful because he is a melee champion in a solo lane. In champion select, we had someone do a last minute change to duo jungle. This left me, as Caitlyn, in bottom solo. During laning phase, I didn't die at all. Our Aatrox top had died more than 5 times, had ~10 cs, and lost our top inhib at 10 minutes. In addition, one of our junglers, Master Yi, was being toxic to the Aatrox. (Master Yi was also dying a lot). I had to try and backdoor, which was successful until the bots put their Ziggs out to stop me. I ultimately could not 1v1 the fed enemy champions.

people get mad at eachother for performing poorly in bot games??

people get mad at eachother for performing poorly in bot games??
Ya. My first game there was a Wukong who started whining at me at like minute 2. He laned with me and was complaining because he would dive and die, while I would play it safe. I even tried to help him out, but they are doombots and win in straight up fights unless you are already ahead or put down some serious harass. He eventually said, "Lulu go bot" as he left for top. He was really toxic calling me the worst adc ever and stuff.

I had 2 deaths that game and 13 kills. The next person had 5 deaths, he had 8. I placed the most wards and did the most damage to champions.

Also, I don't think he harassed the Jax top, who was 0/9.

these bot games are ruining the people lol
somebody wanted to play, so I went jinx bottom, they went top 2v1, and I had a braum support
mid was disconnecting and reconnecting constantly, jungle took over mid, braum was being toxic throughout
then mid dced and the other two left, leaving me and my friend to get stomped 2v5

a little while after I was playing for first win, decided on just some doom bots on easy because it isn't THAT hard
and my team surrendered on me
like wtf

I'm at a computer camp and there is so much League here :D

I took teemo against doom bots...
you guys probably know what happened next.
but ey guys, I found something really useful.

"A MAN'S GUIDE ON CLIMBING THE LADDER! No bullsh*t generic tips"

Oh my loving god.

I played a game as Akali, was 5/0 and roamed, could 1v1 anyone and kill them easily while only losing maybe 1/2 health
sounds good right?

well our darius top and morg support decided to lane swap for some reason. Morg kept using tormented soil to push lane, letting nasus farm under his tower, and he ended up with 700 stacks and being tanky as forget. Darius support did nothing but flame our adc all game and cause him to tilt. Our Udyr never ganked and didn't even build properly (went full damage when 0/3) and basically, nobody did any damage except for me. Then, they start pushing inhibs down, I'm THE ONLY ONE who contests, the rest of my team is standing in fountain saying "GG" while I die by myself. forget bad teams.

tl;dr get a team where everyone feeds but me and nobody does jack stuff to contest any objectives except me, team stands in fountain while losing nexus saying "GG"

If you dominate mid as akali, I really have to say you kinda have to win the game. Got a kill? Go back and buy stuff. Got another kill? Do an objective (based on health). You got a third kill from mid? Is your hp over 1/3? Gank. Top or bot. It doesn't loving matter, just make your advantage worth another lane, so they have an easier time.

Yi main vs 5 bomb doom bots:

Could be interesting.


Ok, I'll have to admit its always good to force dragon / tower but at early levels, especially if you are very low health because its the first fight and its gonna be even you shouldn't risk your life to push a turret if the enemy jungler is present? Early pushing is weak too, and you cant do dragon that early.