
Favorite lane?

Bot Lane
57 (35.2%)
Middle Lane
46 (28.4%)
Top Lane
36 (22.2%)
Jungle Lane
23 (14.2%)

Total Members Voted: 162

Author Topic: League of Legends - Megathread  (Read 432950 times)

today i got

festive maokai
badger teemo (woot)
haunted zyra
sewn chaos oriana
fiddle me timbers
i would buy another mystery skin but i'm 25 rp short :(

Ended up getting out of bronze and into silver V. Surprisingly one of the best games we had was lucian mid, jinx top, and draven as the adc.

Ended up getting out of bronze and into silver V. Surprisingly one of the best games we had was lucian mid, jinx top, and draven as the adc.
Congrats man c:

I'm on my way up there, almost there myself!

anyone have any good guides for learning master yi

i cannot play him at all

anyone have any good guides for learning master yi

i cannot play him at all
go back in time
play AP yi
wreck face with lich bane, deathfire, and all the fun stuff

go back in time
play AP yi
wreck face with lich bane, deathfire, and all the fun stuff

play full ap yi now and meditate to victory

anyone have any good guides for learning master yi

i cannot play him at all
Build attack speed, crit, and botrk
Ult and q in on one of their carries when they're low or isolated
Right click on them, then win
If there are other people, hit them too

go back in time
play AP yi
wreck face with lich bane, deathfire, and all the fun stuff
well, double strikes happen faster than before

so double the nashors

anyone have any good guides for learning master yi

i cannot play him at all
I'm a yi main; I could help you out. I stream pretty often, and usually only play yi while streaming; You should stop by sometimes and ill help you with yi when playing. You can add me on steam as well.


Servers died and I lose LP
so much fun lol

I'm a yi main; I could help you out. I stream pretty often, and usually only play yi while streaming; You should stop by sometimes and ill help you with yi when playing. You can add me on steam as well.



Servers died and I lose LP
so much fun lol
you didn't get loss prevented?

you didn't get loss prevented?

i could barely control my character and two people on my team just left

Their team had no lag issues after a few minutes and all 5 were there

i would buy another mystery skin but i'm 25 rp short :(

today i got

goalkeeper maokai
pentakill karthus
dark candy fiddlestcisk (yay!)
re-gifted amumu
prom queen annie

New champion leaked by Riot JxE and scarizard.

There is a form of magic unknown to many Runeterrans. It is the magic of the doc, Clippy the Sinister Clip is the wielder of that magic. He wanted to help the people, but not just by answering their uninvited questions. He wasn't to be a guider, but a defender - one who used the power of the doc to annoy and harass.

Clippy is a ranged harass healer support with heavy crowd control.

    Passive: Hide Clippy Assistance: Clippy immediately revives when killed and gains bonus armor, mr, movement speed and crit chance.

    Q: It Looks Like You Need: Clippy throws paper at you, this covers your mouth and silences you for 2 seconds

    W: How Can I Help!: Clippy creates a splint for your character restoring 20% of missing Health and Mana at the cost of 1% his own health and mana.

    E: You Look Stuck!: Clippy throws a hidden box of paper clips that explode when enemies walk over them dealing sustained damage over time and stunning them for 2 seconds. These last for 7 minutes.

    R: Please Love Me: Clippy lunges into the enemy team and radiates his love charming all of his opponents for 1 second, Clippy becomes untargetable because they love him so much.


    'Please Love Me!' was originally the name of a champion, but after deciding on the name Urgot we felt it would better fit an ability name later down the line - we're glad to have finally implemented it here!

    'You Look Stuck', his E, is interesting in that it actually classifies -all- units as enemies of Clippy - even if you're on his team! We felt that Jarvan's Ultimate 'I'm Helping!' was really neat and saw the chance to bring a similar level of clippy's own thematic brand of 'Helping!' to the champion, even as a basic ability.

« Last Edit: July 29, 2014, 01:04:18 PM by portify »