Author Topic: Glass - "Blockland doesn't mean stuff" (Ranting on Blockland/Forums)  (Read 13934 times)

Okay so I was logged onto Skype and Glass messages me about Designer from this topic.

He blames me for ruining Designer's reputation when clearly everybody within the topic agreed that Designer was Glass.
Designer ruined his own reputation for arguing within the topic.

I state how a lot of things point toward Designer being Glass himself.
Such as these posts from other people within the thread who agree on the subject.

I actually knew it because.

-he regestired an account before glass' ban.
-acts like glass
-types like glass
-has his very own email BL email
-knows the ropes of the BL forums right when he joins
Another thing, this is apparently one of Glass's IRL friends, yet:
-The first thing he did was immediately promoted his server.
-The next thing after that was started posting here.
-Every one of his posts about Glass have been extremely positive.
-Their typing patterns are extremely similar.
And here's for the big finish...
-This apparently new player who is an 'IRL friend of Glass', found it was completely necessary to make a completely new e-mail account just to make a new forum account. You would think his e-mail would be something a little, old, something he's enjoyed in the past or one of his old names he's used. No, he comes charging in here with an e-mail that was obviously only used in order to make a new forum account:, which is just his username with BL stuck on the end. I don't know anyone who makes new e-mail accounts whenever they join a forum or game unless they're making an alt.
It took 30 seconds to figure this out.

Yes, Designer is Glass.

Kalphiter even says he checked Designer's IP and it matched Glass'
Did you compare IPs? Or just common evidence that Chrono pointed out :o?
Yes, IPs.

I start to argue on the subject of him being Designer.

(Notice how we are using a lot of cuss words) (It's a pretty aggressive argument)

We continue to argue (quite aggressively) and he basically just continuously insults me saying I have no life and how the community sucks, etc.

Last image

He says he doesn't care what the community thinks of him and yet he continued to argue about it.
I honestly have no more respect for him and I don't think any of you should.

- He is abusive
- He is a known abuser/troll (Moby1997)
- He can't control his anger apparently
- He hosts crappy servers (IMO)

Lastly he thinks people who hang out on the forums have no life.

Nobot you really know how to involve yourself in most of the drama.  It's as if you're the one causing it.

Nobot you really know how to involve yourself in most of the drama.  It's as if you're the one causing it.
I didn't cause this stuff.
Designer is obviously Glass and several others have agreed on the subject.

Glass argued with me and he goes on ranting how he hates the Blockland forums.
He got me involved.

I didn't cause this stuff.
Designer is obviously Glass and several others have agreed on the subject.

Glass argued with me and he goes on ranting how he hates the Blockland forums.
He got me involved.
You let yourself get involved by replying to him.

You let yourself get involved by replying to him.
Why does it matter to you if I am involved or not?

Why does it matter to you if I am involved or not?

It doesn't matter.  It's just interesting how you keep the argument along to provide more material for your drama topics.  Why else would you keep up the conversation?  You feed off of anger and hate.. you want more!

Why else would you keep up the conversation?  You feed off of anger and hate.. you want more!

I think you're projecting yourself unto him

I think you're projecting yourself unto him
Just look at his profile.  He's constructed quite an ego!

I was skyping with Glass, Filipe1020, And CodyMax last night.

I dunno, they all seemed to ignore glass.

Lol, I remember we all kept interupting him when he was talking. He got kinda mad, bahaha

It doesn't matter.  It's just interesting how you keep the argument along to provide more material for your drama topics.  Why else would you keep up the conversation?  You feed off of anger and hate.. you want more!
What? What are you talking about.
Glass was the one ranting out.
Did you see me post horrid things such as "Blockland community sucks, etc"

If you honestly are trying to say that I led on the argument then you are wrong.
Glass brought this upon himself and he Skyped me first.

can I not project myself unto any of you

OT: Glass was a friend for a short while on Grav Cat's server. He then proceeded to be a pretty good player but a fat richard.

Just look at his profile.  He's constructed quite an ego!

wow juts wow

I was skyping with Glass, Filipe1020, And CodyMax last night.

I dunno, they all seemed to ignore glass.

Lol, I remember we all kept interupting him when he was talking. He got kinda mad, bahaha

you need to invite me to this skype call

What? What are you talking about.
Glass was the one ranting out.
Did you see me post horrid things such as "Blockland community sucks, etc"

If you honestly are trying to say that I led on the argument then you are wrong.
Glass brought this upon himself and he Skyped me first.
You can avoid drama by just telling him you don't want to be involved with his problems. Ignore him, block him, tell him you don't care.  You enjoy drama, admit it.

You can avoid drama by just telling him you don't want to be involved with his problems. Ignore him, block him, tell him you don't care.  You enjoy drama, admit it.
I don't enjoy being yelled at on my Skype, if you're referring to that.
Why all of a sudden are you attacking me and saying I feed off anger?