Author Topic: comedy101experiments - your newest is super pro-douchebaggy book authors!  (Read 17118 times)

I just think he can't take any criticism. Which I can understand, due to him being 11. Yet, that is no excuse for this behavior.
Well, I will try to stop.

I just think he can't take any criticism. Which I can understand, due to him being 11. Yet, that is no excuse for this behavior.
Yes, and his Ego is getting big.
Well, I will try to stop.
And when will this be?

Yes, and his Ego is getting big.And when will this be?
This will be from now on, I promise to try my hardest.

Apparently Comedy doesn't have any Patience to get picture for a drama in the OP.

Why, thank you!

I just noticed this. This strengthening he likes anyone who white knights him.

Personally, I think you guys should just play the game.

oh yeah, there's a game

Christ guys, lay off him already.

oh yeah, there's a game

Oh my god guys they made a game about the forums!!

Dude, leave comedy alone. He's cool. He's nice. It seems as if you're the only one that thinks hes a douchebag.

Oh my god guys they made a game about the forums!!
Well of course, I'm stuck at the Drama Section... Stupid trolls keep flaming me.

Well of course, I'm stuck at the Drama Section... Stupid trolls keep flaming me.
I would like to know why every time some one tries to make conversation, you resort to thinking that they're 'trolling' you?

Bump because comedy101experiments hasn't changed.
Of course he hasn't posted as often as he use to but when he does post he acts the same.

I have tried, but you guys will not accept it.

He basically blames us for not "accepting" him, as if he even changed.
I don't see any difference whatsoever in his attitude.
I have no idea what he is talking about.

He should just stop posting in drama if he really wants to change.
It's obviously not a lucky place for him to be.

I agree with you, nobot.

Please comedy, elaborate on how you have changed. Because from what you have shown us, you still do the same exact things you did before you claimed to have "changed."