Author Topic: Miniature Wargaming Thread  (Read 33079 times)

Thank goodness Mattward didn't touch the Salamanders or the Imperial Fists. Suck Dark Angels, Grey Knights, Ultramarines.
Jeremy loving Vetock wrote DA

it looks like he shot michael jackson.

Who the hell are these "Dark Angels"? A sub-chapter of the Grey Knights or something?

Who the hell are these "Dark Angels"? A sub-chapter of the Grey Knights or something?
Is this a loving joke


I thought the Ultramarines were the first

Google is indeed a good friend. Salamanders, White Scars, Deathwatch, and Dark Angels are now my favorite Chapters, along with the Imperial Fist.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2013, 05:36:23 AM by Shadowed999 »

Imperium of Mankind = Cult = Chaos

I am disappointed to disbelief. Although, I saw things hinting at that idea, but I didn't look any further. I am now sad :c

since I've been harassed by vionix and a couple of other scrubs I'll post what IG forces I have at my disposal in a couple of hours.

that is a baneblade
« Last Edit: January 30, 2013, 08:31:04 AM by comr4de »

You need more baneblades

Needs more...


A Shadowsword is cool, also.

Lets say hypothetically I were to go up against Tyranids as Space Marines.  What kind of weapons do I want?

Lets say hypothetically I were to go up against Tyranids as Space Marines.  What kind of weapons do I want?

[ mg width=800][/img]
403 forbidden

found the pic with google's help and reuploaded it

so should I go with devastators
« Last Edit: January 30, 2013, 08:35:47 PM by Nickelob Ultra »