Author Topic: Miniature Wargaming Thread  (Read 33083 times)

Land Raiders and Land Speeders seem as though they would be a good choice. Flamers and Autocannons should also do good.

As far as I know, Tyrannids mostly use zerg rushes with melee-cannon fodder, right?

So for Christmas I got a standard IG Cadian squad. I've built 3 of the guardsmen (very slowly mind you), but I don't have a codex (which is why I'm going so slowly). I've looked at forums like Dakkadakka, but I'm still not sure if I should try and give them a special weapon, or if I could give the sergeant a normal lasgun instead of the laspistol+CCW combo. I'm not gonna give them a vox-caster, since those apparently get more expensive as more pile up in an IG army. What should I do?

Also, what do you folks think of the collector's edition Imperial Guard? I really like the Steel Legion guys, and my brother is playing orks, but I dunno.

Some times Games Workshop will let you look at the pdf, you could go to the nearest hobby shop and see if they sell 40k minatures and books and buy one.

Some times Games Workshop will let you look at the pdf, you could go to the nearest hobby shop and see if they sell 40k minatures and books and buy one.

That's not quite what I'd meant, what I was trying to ask was how to best equip them for a generic IG army list so that they can be generic, but cheap and able to reliably be switched up or hold against other infantry or even light armor (although apparently autocannons are good for this?)

Land Raiders and Land Speeders seem as though they would be a good choice. Flamers and Autocannons should also do good.

As far as I know, Tyrannids mostly use zerg rushes with melee-cannon fodder, right?
amazingly tyranids can be a good dakka army.

That's not quite what I'd meant, what I was trying to ask was how to best equip them for a generic IG army list so that they can be generic, but cheap and able to reliably be switched up or hold against other infantry or even light armor (although apparently autocannons are good for this?)
I've never played imperial guard, but as an ork player those imperial guard dudes just camp the corner of the table and shoot everything. Not one tank, was moved that battle.

I've never played imperial guard, but as an ork player those imperial guard dudes just camp the corner of the table and shoot everything. Not one tank, was moved that battle.

It sounds like you either aren't getting to the other end of the table fast enough or your ladz aren't tough enough to do it. There's this old thread and this video that may help. While I haven't ever played a game, I'd suggest trying to take lots of cheap but heavily armored vehicles (probably battlewagons or better, loosely-equipped looted wagons), along with deffkoptas n' lootas, and then hugging cover(?) and bumrushing the line with your boyz loaded in the transports. Having a KFF and power klaws abound might also be of use. On the other hand, I haven't ever played a game, so go figure.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2013, 07:00:56 PM by Pliny »

if you're playing orks and your opponent is using a vehicle heavy IG list, the only way to win is by physically harming them for being an starfish

I wish there was a game store near me, and I had the money to spend on this stuff. It seems really fun but a game store would make the experience way better. Though it wouldn't help with the whole money problem, it would probably be worse.

It sounds like you either aren't getting to the other end of the table fast enough or your ladz aren't tough enough to do it. There's this old thread and this video that may help. While I haven't ever played a game, I'd suggest trying to take lots of cheap but heavily armored vehicles (probably battlewagons or better, loosely-equipped looted wagons), along with deffkoptas n' lootas, and then hugging cover(?) and bumrushing the line with your boyz loaded in the transports. Having a KFF and power klaws abound might also be of use. On the other hand, I haven't ever played a game, so go figure.
It was a orks vs imperial guard appocolyspe game. I was the trukker boys, we had a green tide, cult of speed, and dakka dakka army(they had zapp cannons and stuff). Some friend imperial gaurd player brought a baneblade and got the first initiative roll and wiped out half the green tide. Also forget the space marine armor saves.

I wish there was a game store near me, and I had the money to spend on this stuff. It seems really fun but a game store would make the experience way better. Though it wouldn't help with the whole money problem, it would probably be worse.
Although you're right on a better experience, I highly recommend just buying products off of Amazon or Ebay when you can and saving at least even $5 if you're not rich enough.

Like I just bought a set of scouts w/ sniper rifles for $20...

Although you're right on a better experience, I highly recommend just buying products off of Amazon or Ebay when you can and saving at least even $5 if you're not rich enough.

Like I just bought a set of scouts w/ sniper rifles for $20...

My friend tried to get me  into it, bought like a few thousand dollars worth of stuff off of craigslist for $200. But he had no idea what the forget he was doing and I didn't have any of the book. I also don't have the skill or patience for painting them. I mean it seems fun but being able to meet some people would probably make it a super fun experience, since I've been looking for things that I enjoy and meet people. I'm also more into DnD which I would go to a game store and play the forget out of.

It was a orks vs imperial guard appocolyspe game. I was the trukker boys, we had a green tide, cult of speed, and dakka dakka army(they had zapp cannons and stuff). Some friend imperial gaurd player brought a baneblade and got the first initiative roll and wiped out half the green tide. Also forget the space marine armor saves.


Yeah, you're right, those guys do sound pretty cigarettegy. If I want to play IG, how do I avoid being a bad sport?

>Apocalypse Game
>guy brings baneblade
>you get angry


Also, use tauros, they're pretty cool


Yeah, you're right, those guys do sound pretty cigarettegy. If I want to play IG, how do I avoid being a bad sport?
dont bring a russ at 500 point levels
dont spam melta vets
use rough riders they are great