Author Topic: Gay Marriage v.1000  (Read 21013 times)

Its not them, its the thought of same love getting married.
Which is wrong because...

Really? Did you have to make this..

Whatever let the homoloveuals get married, keep it out of my state and I won't care.

Wow, the guy from Kentucky is against gay marriage, what a motherloving surprise

I never followed you around, I just seen this and thought "was this necessary?"Its not them, its the thought of same love getting married.
And the super flamboyant ones who are all like "ZOMG WE WANT RIGHTS RIGHT NOW!"
Aka: My sister....
why don't you just deal with it and move on.

if you don't like it, move to North Korea, and don't continue living in our free country.

States that allow gay rights impede the rights of others to impede the rights of gays!

Which is wrong because...
There isn't a issue but my mind doesn't like it. They can get married just keep it away from my area.. Please.
Lets me happy that I opened my mind up more to allow homoloveuals to be friends with me.

Also don't blame me blame... well still its my fault but its also my republican to hell town.

I support gay marriage. I think its pretty dumb for a state to go "No, you cant marry that person because they are the same gender as you".

the federal government is impeding my right to impede the right of life of others, REVOLUTION

Its not them, its the thought of same love getting married.
And the super flamboyant ones who are all like "ZOMG WE WANT RIGHTS RIGHT NOW!"
Aka: My sister....

The only flamboyance I ever see is at gay pride events, which duh obviously they're going to be flamboyant. It's a gay pride grouping. With how widely discriminated against they are, practically every gay in my town is still in the closet.

There isn't a issue but my mind doesn't like it.

Can't argue with that.

The only flamboyance I ever see is at gay pride events, which duh obviously they're going to be flamboyant. It's a gay pride grouping. With how widely discriminated against they are, practically every gay in my town is still in the closet.
The way I see it, if giving gays rights and stuff makes those gay pride parades go away, then I don't see any reason why not.

It's evil and homoloveuals need to think themselves over. I find it disghusting now that we can't even define who's a man and who's a woman because for all we know they could be a tranloveual and we don't know it. It disghusts me.

Of course man has had this whole problem since the beginning of time. So it's nothing new, society has become more twisted and corrupt to where such things that were once considered shameful and horrible are now embraced and celebrated.

It's evil and homoloveuals need to think themselves over.
bahahaha do you idiots even read the posts you make?

It's evil and homoloveuals need to think themselves over. I find it disghusting now that we can't even define who's a man and who's a woman because for all we know they could be a tranloveual and we don't know it. It disghusts me.

Of course man has had this whole problem since the beginning of time. So it's nothing new, society has become more twisted and corrupt to where such things that were once considered shameful and horrible are now embraced and celebrated.

For anyone who is unaware, Plant was brainwashed from a young age to be a religious bigot.

It's evil and homoloveuals need to think themselves over. I find it disghusting now that we can't even define who's a man and who's a woman because for all we know they could be a tranloveual and we don't know it. It disghusts me.

Of course man has had this whole problem since the beginning of time. So it's nothing new, society has become more twisted and corrupt to where such things that were once considered shameful and horrible are now embraced and celebrated.
Isn't divorce considered corrupt and unholy?

Then why is it that half of American marriages end up in divorce?

This whole "corrupt" bullstuff is moronic. Maybe you should think your morals over first.

The only flamboyance I ever see is at gay pride events, which duh obviously they're going to be flamboyant. It's a gay pride grouping. With how widely discriminated against they are, practically every gay in my town is still in the closet.

Can't argue with that.
Still annoys the piss out of me.
I think they take it to far, I mean they can rally up because everyone does but when the banners go up and they have a huge parade making noise and stuff is when its to far.

And no this has nothing to do with religious stuff, I just think its taken to far.

Still annoys the piss out of me.
I think they take it to far, I mean they can rally up because everyone does but when the banners go up and they have a huge parade making noise and stuff is when its to far.

And no this has nothing to do with religious stuff, I just think its taken to far.

Same exact thing happened in the 1960s with African Americans.