Author Topic: Pacnet's coming back to host again!  (Read 6726 times)

The talking today started when I was at Mold's eventing server, and I commented how his build was actually quite simple, and shouldn't have been giving an award of excellence, and the admins apparently agreed, and degraded his build's rating.

Follwing are RTB chat logs:

(this happened to be in the file, but as you can see, it's from april)
(he had been 'exploting' and had a server that had 999/999 players called "kalphiter sucks" at the top of the servers list)

04/12/12 15:37:04
[15:37:04] DrenDran: how's that exploit going for ya
[15:37:45] Pacnet2012: pff
[15:37:54] DrenDran: Are you trying to get banned?
[15:37:56] DrenDran: Can I join? (post chat note, I meant his server)
[15:38:01] Pacnet2012: no
[15:38:07] Pacnet2012: and i'm not getting banned for this
[15:38:15] DrenDran: What do you have against kalphiter?
[15:38:56] DrenDran: ?
[15:47:17] DrenDran: .

06/22/12 15:33:15
[15:33:15] Pacnet2012: thanks alot
[15:33:19] DrenDran: ?
[15:33:29] DrenDran: you're welcome
[15:33:43] Pacnet2012: oh wll
[15:33:45] Pacnet2012: well
[15:33:45] DrenDran: no way that took four hours
[15:33:57] Pacnet2012: it did
[15:34:05] DrenDran: then you must be real slow
[15:34:06] Pacnet2012: atleast one of my contraptions is a Excellent
[15:34:12] DrenDran: all the bricks
[15:34:15] Pacnet2012: no i put time into stuff
[15:34:17] DrenDran: probably don't have more than one event
[15:34:20] DrenDran: per brick
[15:34:24] Pacnet2012: nope
[15:34:28] Pacnet2012: it has more than 1
[15:34:40] DrenDran: one brick does?
[15:34:40] Pacnet2012: you're just judging the respawn button
[15:34:45] DrenDran: all the buttons
[15:34:59] Pacnet2012: most of the buttons have more than even 2 events
[15:35:02] Pacnet2012: cigarette
[15:35:08] DrenDran: wow
[15:35:11] DrenDran: way to call me a cigarette
[15:35:13] DrenDran: hey
[15:35:17] DrenDran: how's your hosting service going?
[15:35:25] Pacnet2012: my new one or old one
[15:35:29] Pacnet2012: don't ask about my old one
[15:35:31] Pacnet2012: you know already
[15:35:32] DrenDran: oh god
[15:35:34] DrenDran: you have a new one?
[15:35:38] Pacnet2012: yeah
[15:35:43] Pacnet2012: it's on a tower server
[15:35:45] DrenDran: btw are you kaffu on the forums?
[15:35:45] Pacnet2012: with
[15:35:45] Pacnet2012: fTP
[15:35:49] Pacnet2012: no
[15:35:55] Pacnet2012: kaffu just posted for me
[15:35:58] DrenDran: what's your bl account?
[15:36:01] DrenDran: blf*
[15:36:03] Pacnet2012: Pacnet2012
[15:36:08] Pacnet2012: no i don't have a forumm
[15:36:09] DrenDran: that got perma banned
[15:36:11] Pacnet2012: forum*
[15:36:13] Pacnet2012: oh
[15:36:17] DrenDran: how will you have a serivce
[15:36:18] Pacnet2012: Pacnet2012, PNetwork2011
[15:36:20] DrenDran: without a
[15:36:25] DrenDran: You can't relaly run a service
[15:36:28] DrenDran: without a forum account
[15:36:29] Pacnet2012: Idk.
[15:36:31] Pacnet2012: I'm buying a new key
[15:36:37] Pacnet2012: go ahead leak it to everyone
[15:36:39] Pacnet2012: as if i give a care
[15:36:41] DrenDran: i probably will
[15:36:43] DrenDran: but anyway
[15:36:50] DrenDran: So how much you gonna charge?
[15:36:52] Pacnet2012: none
[15:37:09] Pacnet2012: in august i'll add paid better options when my dad lets me use his credit card to get money
[15:37:15] DrenDran: Wait
[15:37:18] Pacnet2012: but for now it's free
[15:37:18] DrenDran: so it'll be a free service?
[15:37:22] Pacnet2012: yeah
[15:37:23] DrenDran: but you're at a loss
[15:37:28] Pacnet2012: there will always be a free option
[15:37:28] DrenDran: you're paying for the server
[15:37:28] Pacnet2012: no
[15:37:31] Pacnet2012: i paid
[15:37:33] Pacnet2012: $500
[15:37:38] DrenDran: hmm?
[15:37:42] Pacnet2012: 4 core 3.1 ghz
[15:37:43] DrenDran: So I'm supposed to believe
[15:37:47] Pacnet2012: 4 GB ram (will upgrade)
[15:37:47] DrenDran: Before you had to host
[15:37:50] DrenDran: in your moms basement
[15:37:50] Pacnet2012: FTP
[15:37:51] DrenDran: and now
[15:38:01] DrenDran: you have a 3.1 ghz server
[15:38:04] Pacnet2012: my tower server is now my host
[15:38:04] Pacnet2012: yeah
[15:38:07] Pacnet2012: QC
[15:38:16] DrenDran: Why didn't you buy a server the first time?
[15:38:20] Pacnet2012: plus it's got FTP and that stuff
[15:38:22] Pacnet2012: because i was poor
[15:38:28] DrenDran: You just "came into" money?
[15:38:34] Pacnet2012: i'm only like 12
[15:38:38] Pacnet2012: what do you expect
[15:38:45] DrenDran: Yet your parents
[15:38:47] Pacnet2012: i didn't earn it in CASH
[15:38:53] DrenDran: let you spent half a thousand dollars on a server?
[15:38:58] Pacnet2012: i earned it with a competetion
[15:39:01] Pacnet2012: contest*
[15:39:04] DrenDran: what's that?
[15:39:13] Pacnet2012: Some math/vocab contests
[15:39:17] Pacnet2012: i did good so i got it
[15:39:24] DrenDran: Wait what
[15:39:26] DrenDran: you mean like
[15:39:29] DrenDran: a smelling contest
[15:39:30] Pacnet2012: actually go ask -Rocky- how good it is
[15:39:30] DrenDran: spelling
[15:39:35] Pacnet2012: No
[15:39:38] Pacnet2012: a yeah
[15:39:41] Pacnet2012: math
[15:39:44] Pacnet2012: vocab
[15:39:45] Pacnet2012: essay
[15:39:47] Pacnet2012: spelling
[15:39:48] Pacnet2012: science
[15:39:49] Pacnet2012: etc
[15:39:52] Pacnet2012: academic stuff
[15:40:01] DrenDran: uh
[15:40:03] DrenDran: intresting
[15:40:05] Pacnet2012: what?
[15:40:11] Pacnet2012: yeah
[15:40:12] Pacnet2012: so
[15:40:18] DrenDran: seems kinda
[15:40:20] DrenDran: sketchy
[15:40:22] Pacnet2012: i bet you're already copying some of my chat
[15:40:25] Pacnet2012: nope
[15:40:29] DrenDran: you're parents didn't think it odd
[15:40:30] Pacnet2012: don't believe me?
[15:40:35] DrenDran: you were spending 500$ on the internet?
[15:40:37] Pacnet2012: i'll take a picture of it with my name on it
[15:40:39] Pacnet2012: yeah..
[15:40:40] Pacnet2012: so
[15:40:49] Pacnet2012: i'll take a picture of it with my name
[15:40:57] Pacnet2012: in a way that cannot be photoshopped
[15:41:02] DrenDran: k
[15:41:03] Pacnet2012: in a short time not able to edit image
[15:41:05] Pacnet2012: ready
[15:41:08] Pacnet2012: start the timer now
[15:41:33] DrenDran: uh hun
[15:43:42] DrenDran: so
[15:43:48] DrenDran: how's it comin
[15:43:59] Pacnet2012: pics tooken on my android
[15:44:07] Pacnet2012: uploading to pc
[15:45:04] Pacnet2012: turning on USB mass storage mode
[15:45:05] Pacnet2012: on
[15:45:11] DrenDran: okay okay
[15:45:12] DrenDran: just tell me
[15:45:16] DrenDran: when you've finished
[15:45:20] DrenDran: and don't get any in my hair
[15:46:31] Pacnet2012: ?
[15:46:51] DrenDran: what
[15:47:00] Pacnet2012: what doyou mean get in my hair
[15:47:09] DrenDran: sorry, was talking to a girl on another chat
[15:47:33] Pacnet2012: oh
[15:48:01] Pacnet2012: tdone
[15:48:02] Pacnet2012:
[15:50:20] Pacnet2012: oh also hammereditor owns it too
[15:50:23] Pacnet2012: he exists
[15:52:46] Pacnet2012: haha you just got owned
[15:52:54] DrenDran: what
[15:52:57] DrenDran: also it's not loading
[15:53:02] DrenDran: test the link yourself
[15:53:15] Pacnet2012: works for me
[15:53:16] Pacnet2012: try
[15:53:23] DrenDran: nvm
[15:53:23] Pacnet2012:
[15:53:26] DrenDran: it worked in firefox
[15:53:28] DrenDran: not in chrome
[15:53:33] Pacnet2012: oh.
[15:53:38] DrenDran: WAIT
[15:53:41] Pacnet2012: what
[15:53:46] DrenDran: oh god
[15:53:48] Pacnet2012: i told you i wasn't joking around
[15:53:55] DrenDran: it's still using a residential internet connection?
[15:54:01] Pacnet2012: FiOS
[15:54:01] DrenDran: oh my loving god, that's loving hilarious
[15:54:07] Pacnet2012: says it's A
[15:54:11] Pacnet2012: so it's good enough
[15:54:23] Pacnet2012: what?
[15:54:27] DrenDran: you don't understand
[15:54:33] DrenDran: didn't you read your topic last time
[15:54:35] Pacnet2012: don't understand what
[15:54:39] DrenDran: ephailtes made some good points
[15:54:40] Pacnet2012: what post
[15:54:42] DrenDran: and so did kalphiter
[15:54:43] Pacnet2012: where
[15:54:46] Pacnet2012: where
[15:54:48] DrenDran: your old topic after it got moved to drama
[15:54:58] Pacnet2012: yeah, so what links
[15:55:31] DrenDran: ?
[15:55:35] DrenDran: it was YOUR topic
[15:55:37] DrenDran: just search for it
[15:55:38] Pacnet2012: okay
[15:55:48] Pacnet2012: but there's like 42 pages
[15:55:49] Pacnet2012: which one
[15:56:32] Pacnet2012: 26*
[15:58:12] DrenDran: eh
[15:58:14] DrenDran: I'll brb
[15:59:00] Pacnet2012: those points are outdated
[15:59:01] Pacnet2012: sorry
[16:00:21] DrenDran: but
[16:00:26] DrenDran: it's still a residential connection
[16:00:57] DrenDran: what's your blid?
[16:01:24] Pacnet2012: 22696
[16:01:26] Pacnet2012: so?
[16:01:28] Pacnet2012: i'm not new
[16:01:40] Pacnet2012: i don't have rated F internet, i have rated A
[16:01:52] Pacnet2012: it's called FiOS
[16:01:55] Pacnet2012: by Verizon
[16:01:56] Pacnet2012: and it rocks
[16:01:58] Pacnet2012: yeah
[16:03:26] DrenDran: still
[16:03:27] DrenDran: what if
[16:03:31] DrenDran: your server goes down
[16:03:33] DrenDran: or something
[16:03:43] Pacnet2012: the only reason it goes down is for windows update
[16:03:50] Pacnet2012: but that's required
[16:03:59] Pacnet2012: you can't do anything about it
[16:04:05] DrenDran: uh hun
[16:04:07] DrenDran: that aside
[16:04:14] DrenDran: why are you providing a free service anyway?
[16:04:20] Pacnet2012: because
[16:04:26] Pacnet2012: 1 : i don't have a credit card
[16:04:31] Pacnet2012: 2 : People hate paid ones
[16:04:35] Pacnet2012: they can be good but
[16:04:38] Pacnet2012: some people here
[16:04:39] Pacnet2012: most
[16:04:41] Pacnet2012: don't have
[16:04:42] Pacnet2012: Cash
[16:04:44] DrenDran: i'll be right back, i gotta restart bl
[16:04:44] Pacnet2012: namely

06/22/12 16:05:28
[16:05:28] DrenDran: back
[16:05:33] Pacnet2012: okay
[16:05:35] Pacnet2012: so
[16:05:36] DrenDran: but WHY are you providing a service?
[16:05:38] DrenDran: for attention?
[16:05:43] DrenDran: popularity?
[16:05:47] Pacnet2012: because i want to?
[16:05:55] Pacnet2012: i already know almost everyone hates me
[16:06:31] DrenDran: then why try?
[16:07:06] Pacnet2012: because?
[16:07:10] Pacnet2012: i'm not an idiot anymore?
[16:07:19] Pacnet2012: i'm now in middle school?
[16:07:39] DrenDran: but why do you feel
[16:07:46] DrenDran: that you should try to regain your reputation that way
[16:07:54] Pacnet2012: dunno
[16:07:57] DrenDran: why not just take a break from that stuff and come back in a year or so and just play
[16:08:04] Pacnet2012: dedicated servers are in high demand
[16:08:14] DrenDran: but either they can host on their own
[16:08:16] DrenDran: or go to kalphiter
[16:08:21] Pacnet2012: kalphiter costs
[16:08:27] Pacnet2012: teens don't have credit cards
[16:08:28] Pacnet2012: well
[16:08:31] DrenDran: Personially I think you're just doing this for popularity and a chance to get back at Kalphiter.
[16:08:34] Pacnet2012: early ones
[16:10:02] Pacnet2012: i bet you made the drama topic already
[16:11:00] Pacnet2012: it's not like all kids can get their parents to pay
[16:11:27] DrenDran: meh
[16:11:30] DrenDran: maybe somne people
[16:11:32] DrenDran: shouldn't host
[16:11:37] DrenDran: little kids clogging up the list
[16:11:39] Pacnet2012: people want to host
[16:11:47] DrenDran: with "SKOOL RP FREE ADMIN LOEL"
[16:11:54] DrenDran: I wouldn't mind if we had a few less of those.
[16:12:00] Pacnet2012: and
[16:12:00] Pacnet2012: they might be broke
[16:12:00] Pacnet2012: so
[16:12:03] Pacnet2012: their helpless
[16:12:11] Pacnet2012: it's not like my clients host that crap
[16:12:46] Pacnet2012: i hosted EpicConcerts, i host Wrapperup, Blake1, Mango, Rocky's tundra mountain TDM all sorts of people
[16:13:26] Pacnet2012: you know what drendan
[16:13:37] Pacnet2012: you don't have Pacnet2012's + hammereditor's hosting service v2
[16:13:40] Pacnet2012: you don't know
[16:13:43] Pacnet2012: you just guess
[16:13:48] Pacnet2012: and base it off my old one
[16:13:49] Pacnet2012: okay
[16:13:56] Pacnet2012: that's not how things work
[16:13:56] Pacnet2012: sorry.
[16:14:20] Pacnet2012: so.
[16:14:23] Pacnet2012: get.
[16:14:23] Pacnet2012: a.
[16:14:24] Pacnet2012: life.
[16:15:33] DrenDran: back
[16:15:45] Pacnet2012: read the above text
[16:15:56] DrenDran: i did and well
[16:16:03] DrenDran: what is there to make me
[16:16:06] DrenDran: or any potential clients
[16:16:09] DrenDran: believe that you have improved
[16:16:13] DrenDran: not just your server
[16:16:19] DrenDran: but you yourself and your behavior
[16:16:27] Pacnet2012: it's been 2 years.
[16:16:30] Pacnet2012: what do you expect?
[16:16:34] Pacnet2012: i'm not a child anymore
[16:16:35] DrenDran: It's been a few months
[16:16:40] Pacnet2012: no.
[16:16:54] Pacnet2012: if you don't believe me
[16:16:57] DrenDran:
[16:16:59] Pacnet2012: ask -Rocky- on RTB connect
[16:17:02] Pacnet2012: he's online right now
[16:17:06] DrenDran: topic was closed last octobor
[16:17:13] Pacnet2012: so
[16:17:16] Pacnet2012: like
[16:17:32] DrenDran: not two years
[16:17:40] DrenDran: maybe two thirds of a year
[16:17:45] Pacnet2012: two years since i was Pacnet2010
[16:18:42] DrenDran: Your last posts as pnetwork2011 were as immature as ever and they weren't even a year ago.
[16:19:01] Pacnet2012: i tried to act as someone esle
[16:19:01] Pacnet2012: else
[16:19:17] DrenDran: Point is, it hasn't been that long, and you've shown no signs of changing.
[16:19:21] Pacnet2012: i bet some text is going into a new drama topic
[16:19:35] Pacnet2012: the fact is
[16:19:35] DrenDran: So you bought a computer, but doing so, you proved you didn't actually read the advice given to you by Ephailtes and Kalphiter.
[16:19:38] Pacnet2012: i
[16:19:38] Pacnet2012: don't
[16:19:38] Pacnet2012: care
[16:19:44] DrenDran: That's an immature thing to say.
[16:19:45] Pacnet2012: what advice
[16:19:50] DrenDran: Which makes me thing you're immature.
[16:19:55] DrenDran: Don't you care about your service?
[16:19:59] Pacnet2012: yeah.
[16:19:59] DrenDran: You should if you're gonna host it.
[16:20:07] Pacnet2012: obvious kalphiter supporter
[16:20:11] DrenDran: Then don't call me or anyone else a cigarette, or say you don't care.
[16:20:15] Pacnet2012: you never even gave any links to his
[16:20:15] DrenDran: It's immature.
[16:20:21] DrenDran: And you're doging the point.
[16:20:30] Pacnet2012: what's your stupid point
[16:20:48] DrenDran: The "link to kalphiters" is publically available on the first page of general discussion btw, not that hard to find.
[16:20:50] DrenDran: As for my point
[16:21:05] DrenDran: With pratically each line you post, it becomes clearer that you haven't matured nearly enough.
[16:21:20] Pacnet2012: great for you
[16:22:06] Pacnet2012: how's your new drama going
[16:22:20] Pacnet2012: i cant wait to see what crap you came up with
[16:24:06] DrenDran: If I make a drama
[16:24:09] DrenDran: I'll post this chat log
[16:24:11] Pacnet2012: yeah
[16:24:12] Pacnet2012: sure
[16:24:15] Pacnet2012: i don't give a stuff
[16:24:16] DrenDran: and the pictures in their unedited entiry
[16:25:03] Pacnet2012: fien with me
[16:25:06] Pacnet2012: go ahead
[16:25:06] Pacnet2012: fine*
[16:25:29] DrenDran: so
[16:25:31] DrenDran: approximatly
[16:25:33] DrenDran: how long
[16:25:36] DrenDran: until you open the service?
[16:25:42] Pacnet2012: it's already open
[16:25:46] Pacnet2012: i told you i already have clients
[16:25:48] DrenDran: made a topic?
[16:25:58] DrenDran: gonna make a topic?
[16:26:03] Pacnet2012: can't
[16:26:04] Pacnet2012: yes
[16:26:08] Pacnet2012: going to buy a new key
[16:26:16] Pacnet2012: but you can buy as many chances as you want
[16:26:20] DrenDran: So how long until you think you'll be back?
[16:26:31] Pacnet2012: i'm buying 3 keys for my birthday
[16:26:34] Pacnet2012: maybe january
[16:26:37] Pacnet2012: maybe earlier
[16:26:38] Pacnet2012: idk
[16:26:40] Pacnet2012: but i am
[16:26:47] Pacnet2012: thanks for logging me.
[16:26:56] DrenDran: ah
[16:27:03] DrenDran: So who are your clients, just for reference?
[16:27:59] DrenDran: ?
[16:28:03] DrenDran: alright, gonna post a topic
[16:28:04] DrenDran: thanks
[16:28:08] Pacnet2012: Mango, -Rocky-, Wrapperup, Blake1, uxie, Cowboy6, 3 people signing up
[16:28:16] DrenDran: alright, thanks
[16:28:21] Pacnet2012: mango and rocky are online
[16:28:23] Pacnet2012: chat with them
[16:28:23] Pacnet2012: idc
[16:28:35] Pacnet2012: make your loving topic
[16:32:46] Pacnet2012: done yet?
[16:32:51] Pacnet2012: can't wait
[16:37:40] Pacnet2012: done?

Pictures below:

In my opinion he made it quite clear he has not matured, nor learned anything from his past expirences trying to host, and the only thing that'll be different is that he got his mom to let him buy a 500$ computer to put in his basement.

Don't join the server.
Problem solved.

he so pro he told off kalphiter lolololol
hope those computers don't "die" on him

hosting servers that nobody will join.. sounds like a waste of time.

>has new server
>it's a tower that he hosts from at home
>bogs it down with video

i'm assuming he lied about being a student and downloaded the OS for free
prime example of being a great host

he wants to announce ... home servers? what

I'm actually impressed with his service (I'm Mango), Pacnet hasn't matured much, but the fact that he works really hard at this service gets me. Also, I've picked up a quick study:

Glass's Trench Wars!  [Ping: 67]

Mango's Alone [Ping: 51]


Cowboy6's Nerf CTF [Ping: 53]

Heedicalking's V2 BuildLand [Ping: 132]


That's a quick study. Kalphiter's service can hold 99 players + yes..

Pacnet can hold 56 (so far according from my server). that is of course when they only had 2GB of Ram, they've upgraded a lot since.

Kalphiter has FTP yes

so does Pacnet,

only thing Pacnet DOESN'T have the Kalphiter has is Remote Server (starting your server remotely).

I've never ever had a outage with them, nor have i had any lag over 2 seconds.

Overall rating of Pacnets: 8/10   (cause it's free and ping is exactly the same, or lower.)

Overall rating of Kalphiter: 9/10 (cause it's ping is good and it can hold 99 players max).

This was just some records I pulled together.

Pings were taken at the same refresh time at: 4:58 PM EST.

If you cannot afford Kalphiter's and you cannot host (like me, due to --- ping, my router is a piece of crap). I'd go with Pacnet, but Kalphiter is still the way to go until Pacnet's gets a little bit better.

I have 8GB on my server but I am not going to host because service bureaus are against the Lion ToS

I have 8GB on my server but I am not going to host because service bureaus are against the Lion ToS
I mean not do a hosting service. Plus, I have only 1mbps of upload bandwidth.

oh, it's FREE? didn't know that

[16:07:06] Pacnet2012: because?
[16:07:10] Pacnet2012: i'm not an idiot anymore?
[16:07:19] Pacnet2012: i'm now in middle school?

woah stuff guys watch out he's in middle school that means we should all trust him 100% and not judge him because he wears big boy diapers now!!!

woah stuff guys watch out he's in middle school that means we should all trust him 100% and not judge him because he wears big boy diapers now!!!
that's the most unintelligible post within this topic. he was just stating that he matured more and he's in middle school now, you don't have to be such a richard.

that's the most unintelligible post within this topic. he was just stating that he matured more and he's in middle school now, you don't have to be such a richard.

did you even read the entire chat log

spoiler alert he's still handicapped

There's a lot of reasons I'd pay $120 for kalphiter's service before doing anything with pacnet