Author Topic: Modding: Its limitations, what is abusable, and why I hate the launcher  (Read 9443 times)

What you think I can't lag with it? Go look at one of "About's" drama topics or if you were at one of those bad enough servers to lag from a few hundred commands a second.
God, its idiots like you that I hate, ruining the fun for everyone one else just because you're on your period for some retarted reason. Go be a friend somewhere else, Retarted Tech, is a good place to start.

EDIT: He is banned? Good, one less server crasher to deal with it.



Good to see that Badspot seen this topic.

But he didn't post. lol

Why, he said he didn't want to be here
Lots of people come back. I guess I'm just not as feral as everyone else; much more sympathetic.

God, its idiots like you that I hate, ruining the fun for everyone one else just because you're on your period for some retarted reason. Go be a friend somewhere else, Retarted Tech, is a good place to start.

EDIT: He is banned? Good, one less server crasher to deal with it.
ah, well I'll definitely research the player now.

Well, he didn't reveal any information he was Iban besides the Speedtest.

I've been here for half a decade ... I had been asking for years for malleable attributes to the Sky and Sun that doesn't involve deleting and recreating them.

I liked the part where he said that Blockland wont ever have day cycles and changing skies dynamically without hacky workarounds... Yet that one official video...

I'm pretty big on erring on the side of openness and allowing modders to do more, interesting things, so I'm definitely in support of this.

Locking down stuff because somebody is going to abuse it is a stupid idea. FFSO's a tard but he definitely proved this: You can set up an infinite loop in a function to lag or crash a server with what is essentially a DDOS. Does that mean functions and datablocks should be removed from the game?

Of course starfishs are going to exploit things. Of course people will write aimbots or whatever for games. That's the very nature of the universe. Anybody who's played Age of Time is familiar with the tool some script kiddie wrote that draws a line to the nearest horse or fiber tree or whatever. If you attempt to lock down things because of a few bad apples, you end up with A) people who write hacky, terrible implementations of legitimate things, and B) people who write hacky implementations of abusive things. Any developer worth his salt understands this. This is why nobody likes Apple's walled-garden approach outside of their cult of sycophants.

Don't attempt to police bad players through APIs and modding support. That's what admins are for.

I liked the part where he said that Blockland wont ever have day cycles and changing skies dynamically without hacky workarounds... Yet that one official video...
To his credit, he meant within the current boundaries of the game. Making day cycles and changing skies and stuff in version 21 is something written by Kompressor, who has access to the source code and can basically do whatever he wants. A modder can't do a day cycle in version 20 without it being kludge.

Iban's a tard but that's outside the scope of this discussion
« Last Edit: July 16, 2012, 05:38:14 AM by segfault314 »

how do we know he's not trying to work on these problems coming with v21?

how do we know he's not trying to work on these problems coming with v21?

Because some people tend to ignore the fact that Kompressor himself said v21 will make coding much easier.

Good to see that Badspot seen this topic.
But he didn't post. lol
i'm assuming he either only saw a report on the post and didn't actually read the topic or is simply not going to grace us with an answer.
either way, darn.

Good to see that Badspot seen this topic.

But he didn't post. lol
Maybe he is going to make big post and is taking his time

Only really found two major issues so far besides some of those mentioned in the OP.
Pretty sure both of these are engine problems and one of them has a workaround.

-Blockland absolutely hates large numbers. Can't handle RNGs at all.

-Image states don't change if the datablock is redefined.

Badspot, we can already work around your restrictions and find other ways to impersonate people. There is no point in restricting useful functions that would allow us to push the limits of modding.

-Blockland absolutely hates large numbers. Can't handle RNGs at all.
This is because Torque is 16-bit I believe.

Badspot, we can already work around your restrictions and find other ways to impersonate people. There is no point in restricting useful functions that would allow us to push the limits of modding.
I remember changing a train's shapename with a memory editor to simulate Badspot banning someone :cookieMonster:

I remember changing a train's shapename with a memory editor to simulate Badspot banning someone :cookieMonster:
How does a train's shapename and badspot banning someone relate in any way..? :S