Author Topic: ▓ Day Z - Blockland Style [Coming Soon] ▓  (Read 10189 times)

Day Z

What is it?
Day Z is a realistic zombie apocalypse mod for a military FPS game known as ARMA II. Our goal is to bring the mod to the closest we can in a DM in Blockland.

Idea Explained
Using the map GSF Paradise - Night we are spreading zombies all throughout the map in order to create a map wide spread zombie apocalypse. They will mainly be concentrated in small towns, outside of large buildings, and especially in the city. Not sure which mod we are using yet, but looking at Rot's right now and using the director to spawn zombies and adjust how close zombies can see you.

Continuing on, the game mode will be an all out free for all, however you can ask people to join up with you and fight along side you. A PM system will be enabled so players who are teaming can discuss what they want to do without others hearing. You can also choose to go on your own and take the role as a bandit and hunt down other players as both them and you try and survive.

Starting out all players spawn randomly throughout the map with only a pistol and a few rounds of ammo supply. Players will then have to make their way around doing whatever is necessary to survive. You will be able to do all of the following.

  • Collect new a better weapons, as well as ammo.
  • Search Hospitals and houses for medical supplies.
  • Collect food from houses and restaurants to eat.
  • Find crates of "Vehicle Parts" to spawn in vehicles to use.
  • Use items such as glow sticks to help make surviving easier.
  • And much, much more!

Hosting this will likely be none other than MonkeyFunky, and we will try and get our Beta out as soon as possible. Right now we're just working out some kinks and what not. If you have any other questions feel free to discuss them below.

Screen Shots

Starting points will be like as picture. Random all over the map and you will have a pistol and a few rounds to start with.

Search for better weapons!

Collect ammo!

Find food to eat!

Search for medical supplies!

Afraid to go searching in the dark?

Use glow sticks to light them up!

Use them to light up entire towns before searching! They also work great for signaling other players.

Collect crates of "Vehicle Parts".

Use the parts to spawn in many types of vehicles!

Be sure to collect gas for your vehicles!

Then refuel and head off into the world!

Scout out other players!

Join up with other players to kill zombies and survive!

Eat a meal together!

Enjoy abandoned home's swimming pools!

Just don't forget you're in a zombie apocalypse!

Updates will be listed below.

« Last Edit: July 17, 2012, 05:36:16 AM by Mr. Bill »


Possible updates we're looking into...

  • Friendly Dog AI.
  • Shark infested waters.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2012, 01:17:36 AM by Mr. Bill »

Looks interesting, hope to see it develop.

Is it possible to mod T+T ammo system, to edit how much ammo a gun gets when you pick it up, pick up ammo, etc?
I wasn't on BL for sometime, so if it is in the RTB pref, then lol.

Yes, there is a preference for that in the latest version.

Yes, there is a preference for that in the latest version.
Ok. Because I wanted to suggest to make ammo to be hard to find, and make it realistic by the ammo capacity...

Yes, ammo should be really hard to come by.

This looks great.

Will you be asking for people to help?

We did need someone to help us with a few aspects of the game.

We did need someone to help us with a few aspects of the game.


The vehicle parts were a little glitchy other than that i think were fine.

For some reason VCE is giving us troubles with the "Vehicle Parts" variable to spawn on activation from a Vehicle Spawn brick.

Other things we'll need help with is closing off some parts of the isle. And maybe a points system will be included. You can then use points to set up barb wire or barricade a house to use as a camp site or something. More thought is still being put towards this aspect though.

For some reason VCE is giving us troubles with the "Vehicle Parts" variable to spawn on activation from a Vehicle Spawn brick.

Other things we'll need help with is closing off some parts of the isle. And maybe a points system will be included. You can then use points to set up barb wire or barricade a house to use as a camp site or something. More thought is still being put towards this aspect though.
How would these points be acquirable?

How would these points be acquirable?
Killing Zombies and also possibly players.

wowe what a bluzone ripoff