Author Topic: 2012/07/24 - Environmental Controls Preview  (Read 243519 times)

hopefully there will be some way to save your environmental preferences? it'd be a pain to try and recreate the same exact environmental style as you had before

Badspot wouldn't be that mean, would he?

This is great, but I'm going to miss the freedom of making maps for people to explore.

Lava! :O

I can't wait! D:

This looks awesome, can't wait to play around with the shadows :D

Can you save your map settings so you don't have to redo them?  (this has probably already been asked)

Just wondering, the rain and snow flakes will pass trought bricks or they will fall on the top of them?

Badspot wouldn't be that mean, would he?
I'm sure even if he didn't someone would be able to make an add-on for it. (hopefully)
Anyway this looks amazing and makes me even more happy for the shaders update :D,
Any word on the computer specs needed to get a playable framerate? such as 60fps? or what PC specs are being used to record that video?
Edit: Also what is this?
« Last Edit: July 24, 2012, 04:01:44 PM by alex dude »

O_O :cookie: for badspot yes

Any word on the computer specs needed to get a playable framerate? such as 60fps? or what PC specs are being used to record that video?
I heard that you can use the same specs.


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Can you save your map settings so you don't have to redo them?  (this has probably already been asked)

environmental controls that can be adjusted by any admin on the server.
Will the first add-on for v21 (or will this be a seperate update?) be a script that makes this host-only?
Cause I think so

Damn Badspot, You and kompressor are doing an awesome job.

I'd buy another key just so you guys get 20 bucks more.