Author Topic: 2012/07/24 - Environmental Controls Preview  (Read 229407 times)

v21 is going to come out in like 10000000 more years.

8th of august here in Finland

If it does come out on the 8th, I get the feeling it won't happen at exactly midnight.

If theres a blue moon on friday the 13th and all the planets align, and v21 comes out, I get the feeling it won't happen at exactly midnight.

Lets hope the rumors are true.

Hopefully, by the time I wake up it will have been released. If it isn't, I won't be surprised; I'll be disappointed.

I hope this 8/8 theory is true. Its the 8th for me, but badspot is 2 hours behind me. Its 1 for me right now, meaning, its 11:00 for him.

Not to add more to the "conspiracy", but maybe it's 08/08 at 08:08 PM Oregon time that they'll release it?

Personally, I'm a complete skeptic of the 08/08 theory. I can wait however long it takes. As long as it comes out before December 21st, 2012.  :cookieMonster:

30 minutes remain until (maybe?) rumored release
or atleast august 8th

Half an hour still left for me.

I can wait however long it takes. As long as it comes out before December 21st, 2012.
I heard it was coming out on the 22nd of December.

Also, the Mayan calendar didn't indicate the end of the world, it indicated the end of terrain and interiors.

The update will be released August 8 at noon, Valve Standard Time [GMT ±n]