Author Topic: Request: Flying Skiis  (Read 1223 times)

/name ^

A simple ski edit that flys.
Most of the ski's properties are the same except for the flying part.

What now?
  • Changes color based off of paintcan color
  • Right-click to unequip

Anything else?

  • Abillity to move like normal skiis w/ toggle between Ground/air modes
  • Flys more like a Biplane than a Hang Glider

Is this possible? Are there parts that aren't possible?

So it's pretty much exactly like the skiis, but remove all properties besides they go on your feet, and replace those said properties with IT FLIES...

So it's pretty much exactly like the skiis, but remove all properties besides they go on your feet, and replace those said properties with IT FLIES...
Probably with the Tumble effect too.

if it can be done with the jeep.
it can be done with the skis.

This would be fun. Very fun.

Probably with the Tumble effect too.

Wwhhheeeeee flying tumble effect!

Flying skis?
I dont think anyone would make that.

Flying skis?
I dont think anyone would make that.
crazy people will create a flying bedroom in the year 5023 so it seems legit

Flying skis?
I dont think anyone would make that.

Care to elaborate instead of just going "nobody will make it?"

We already have flying cars.

crazy people will create a flying bedroom in the year 5023 so it seems legit
See you in year 5023 then

There's already an item called jetskis or rocketskis sumthin like that.

but idk where to get it.

probably failbinned.

sounds cool but is fail bin worthy

sounds cool but is fail bin worthy
No it isn't if it's done right.