Mr. NoBody and Jerkface - Partners in stupid.

Author Topic: Mr. NoBody and Jerkface - Partners in stupid.  (Read 4960 times)

So earlier I accidentally locked myself out of my own server, don't ask how, and so Mr. NoBody (the real one) and Jerkface had some fun. Quite a lot of fun. Over fifteen thousand bricks of fun, in fact.

Yes, those are snakees.

And here's some fire. And pooping men, because, hey, why not.

Someone apparently broke the way trust works on my server, so it was possible to build on anyone's bricks. I suppose it doesn't matter now, since they've been cleared and both are enjoying a permanent ban, but I thought many of you would like to know.

Not a good reader, huh?

I accidentally locked myself out of my own server, don't ask how
No seriously, how?

Clear the bricks.

Clear the bricks.
if only clearing bricks cleared the fact that you spammed the server in the first place

Yeah, I did ALL of that.

ALL of it...

Well I for one believe you OP

on the bright side

those are some high quality snakees

Jerkface did the snakees, he did the men, and I think the fires, don't remember.

I locked myself out by changing a preference which sets the max players to 1, then crashing before I remembered to fix it, so I couldn't rejoin while he and Jerkface were on.

Jerkface did the snakees, he did the men, and I think the fires, don't remember.

Then what did I do?

When I said "he," I was referring to you.

they both seem to be generally unfunny richards most of the time so this isnt very suprising to me

they both seem to be generally unfunny richards most of the time so this isnt very suprising to me

I don't try to be funny.
I am serious.

i only got one

high quality, too

on the bright side

those are some high quality snakees
Oh man Sig'd