Author Topic: 2012/08/10 - Bugs  (Read 147853 times)

Chrome FX is ridiculously bright. I don't even have to include a picture.

uh yes you do.

When you move sideways in first person, your shadow appears to be running forward.
When you're in third person its fixed.

Thats been in blockland ever since it was released dude. Your late.

Im having a rare glitch thats pissing me off, some times I cant disconnect from a server, I have to close blockland to disconnect or wait till its done loading.

Every time I try disconnecting by pressing ESC it spams this in my console.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2012, 03:07:52 PM by blockman01 »

That would be a bug caused by an add-on... It doesn't go here

Hey guys i really need help!!!
I am not using an intel graphic card or a laptop
my rev is 1715!
i have to idea why shadow and shader dosnt work!!!( i have them turned on)
Do i need a new g-card?( is so what one)
Console it at bottem

Hey guys i really need help!!!
I am not using an intel graphic card or a laptop
my rev is 1715!
i have to idea why shadow and shader dosnt work!!!( i have them turned on)
Do i need a new g-card?( is so what one)
Console it at bottem
Quote from: console.log
Checking for shader shadow support:
   - Enabled via $Shader::Enabled? YES
   - ARB_shader_objects?           YES
   - ARB_shading_language_100?     YES
   - EXT_texture_array?            NO
   - EXT_texture3D?                YES
   - glTexImage3D?                 YES
   - EXT_framebuffer_object?       YES
   - ARB_shadow?                   YES
   - GLSL Language Version?        1.20
   o Shaders are                   INACTIVE
Get a new graphics card.
It doesn't support EXT_texture_array
Whatever that is
Or there will be an update idk

Get a new graphics card.
It doesn't support EXT_texture_array
Whatever that is
Or there will be an update idk

Badspot said that the EXT_texture_array thing will be fixed in future updates.

Im having a rare glitch thats pissing me off, some times I cant disconnect from a server, I have to close blockland to disconnect or wait till its done loading.

Every time I try disconnecting by pressing ESC it spams this in my console.

This is a problem with JVS. Try updating it.

I'm not too sure if the creator of JVS has updated it for v21, but if he has, that problem is probably fixed.

I don't use JVS, so I wouldn't know.

If you press 'T' to type, and then hold CTRL and then press 'Y', it will disorientate the setup for typing.

Found that everything seems to work on a Windows partition installed on a MacBook Pro.

For some reason now, you can't chat the character ~. It used to work in v20, but now when you try to chat it it just deletes that character, and if you just use that alone your chat won't appear but you'll do the chat movement.

I thought tilde always opened console...

I thought tilde always opened console...
yeah but before if you copied the character from outside blockland and pasted into chat you could still use it.

yeah but before if you copied the character from outside blockland and pasted into chat you could still use it.
It's always been blocked in default chat. It's just that chat mods that replace serverCmdMessageSent don't include that filter.

yeah but before if you copied the character from outside blockland and pasted into chat you could still use it.
Um, unless you were on some wonderous modded server, it never did that.