Author Topic: 2012/08/10 - Bugs  (Read 147843 times)

Did you even loving read the post RIGHT BELOW yours after you made the last post on this topic about that same problem?

Here let me show you.
In other help threads this has been determined to be caused by System_GuiReplacer

Dear badspot,
    Every time I open my options tab, My blockland freezes and crashes.
Please fix this so I can manage my avatar and set my shaders to the correct setting, Also, Shadows don't appear at all for me.

In other help threads this has been determined to be caused by System_GuiReplacer
Quote from: Console.log
Client checking Add-On: System_GuiReplacer
Loading Add-On: System_GuiReplacer (CRC:1439104645)
he already helped

Oh stuff, I completely forgot I already made that post
Heeerp, Ignore the second one.


my computer specs are fine to run shaders yet they come up blotchey and pixelated (no not made of pixels) just watch the youtube vid and HELP ME PLZ  (ill remov the vid when you hav fixxed it)

Here is your log...   (srry m8 shoulda done that sooner)

anyways i ddnt have the exact one so i just opend BL and switched around my shadow settings a bit... hope dis helps
« Last Edit: September 11, 2012, 10:15:54 PM by zombekillz »

PS i also tried them on a "freebuild" type server (singleplayer as well) to see if it was addons, but now that i think bout it maby i just need to remove all my addons and try that one....

this bug is really annoying me lol i cant bare to see blockland without shaders anymore IM AN ADDICT I TELS YA

lol surfed this page and the net for just a hit of a related glitch seince 4:00 now... ah well i can build tommorrow :D
« Last Edit: September 11, 2012, 08:59:39 PM by zombekillz »

It says it's running fine and you can definitely support it.

Also your video didn't work.

aww damn, leme fix that vid, get back to me on that once you see it

ok here ya go...

one more thing, to really see whats up with me shadows you're gunna wana watch in 480p
« Last Edit: September 11, 2012, 09:54:02 PM by zombekillz »

Try updating your video drivers.

Try updating your video drivers.

Ok im downloading em... Right now...   

you think there outdated?
i have a new, prettymuch half a year old video card... (ASUS EAH6850 seiries)

Take another look at the video driver version.
Code: [Select]
OpenGL driver information:
  Vendor: ATI Technologies Inc.
  Renderer: ASUS EAH6850 Series
  Version: 4.0.10243 Compatibility Profile Context
blockland shows your are (were?)  running version 4.0.10243, but the current ATI drivers are at 12.x, so your WAY behind the times.

re-check your console.log to make sure blockland shows the same version as you downloaded.  If not, then your driver update didnt work right.

Take another look at the video driver version.
Code: [Select]
OpenGL driver information:
  Vendor: ATI Technologies Inc.
  Renderer: ASUS EAH6850 Series
  Version: 4.0.10243 Compatibility Profile Context
blockland shows your are (were?)  running version 4.0.10243, but the current ATI drivers are at 12.x, so your WAY behind the times.

re-check your console.log to make sure blockland shows the same version as you downloaded.  If not, then your driver update didnt work right.

send me a link for a DL cuz i cant seem to find version 12 of anything...

heres what i found...

is this of any relevance? cuz i downloaded one of these and there were no changes to my blockland...  thats win 7 64 bit on the downloads pulltab

i also just found this...   which is like version 5 and i am  downloading it now...

after a upfdated the drivers the number in my log stayed at 4.0.10243  so the update i got from the asus site was old or what???
« Last Edit: September 12, 2012, 05:05:41 PM by zombekillz »

3rd times the charm.... loving drivers   i feel like a noob now

anyways thanks guys ima be removing that you tube vid now

One more thing....          my shaders no longer run on max or very high,  seince i made the video and messed with some graphics settings

i have heard of people mentioning this, but i cant locate an answer
« Last Edit: September 12, 2012, 06:12:11 PM by zombekillz »

Take another look at the video driver version.
That's the OpenGL Version, not the driver version.
The HD6xxx series uses OpenGL 4.1 (which explains the 4.0.1)
There was never a version 4 catalyst compatible with HD6xxx