Author Topic: MIT has developed an autonomous robotic plane  (Read 1964 times)

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For decades, academic and industry researchers have been working on control algorithms for autonomous helicopters — robotic helicopters that pilot themselves, rather than requiring remote human guidance. Dozens of research teams have competed in a series of autonomous-helicopter challenges posed by the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI); progress has been so rapid that the last two challenges have involved indoor navigation without the use of GPS.

But MIT's Robust Robotics Group — which fielded the team that won the last AUVSI contest — has set itself an even tougher challenge: developing autonomous-control algorithms for the indoor flight of GPS-denied airplanes. At the 2011 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), a team of researchers from the group described an algorithm for calculating a plane's trajectory; in 2012, at the same conference, they presented an algorithm for determining its "state" — its location, physical orientation, velocity and acceleration. Now, the MIT researchers have completed a series of flight tests in which an autonomous robotic plane running their state-estimation algorithm successfully threaded its way among pillars in the parking garage under MIT's Stata Center.

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this is seriously really loving cool.

very cool, i'd like to see this used in cars so i dont have to drive

Reminds me of the movie "Stealth" from 2005.

Reminds me of the movie "Stealth" from 2005.

omg I loving love that movie

very cool, i'd like to see this used in cars so i dont have to drive
look up google brand cars

All they need to do now is put this into cars and all we need to do is put the engine on and go. All you'd do is sit there so motorway cops don't need to do anything. stuff would get boring.

what the hell is "MIT"

the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

how have you not heard of this

what the hell is "MIT"
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

just like order 10 of them to be made

then set them off at a town square
flying around like nobody's business, not hitting anything.

All they need to do now is put this into cars and all we need to do is put the engine on and go. All you'd do is sit there so motorway cops don't need to do anything. stuff would get boring.

The technology already exists to put these systems into cars, infact it's already been done.
The issue isn't with the technology, it's with people. People don't like to be out of control, especially when it comes to vehicles, they prefer to have manual control.

For systems like these to be implemented fully then we need to take baby steps such as self-parking cars which do already exist and are in use. Ease the technology in easy, that gives both humans and the technology time to adjust and advance.