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Author Topic: Team Fortress 2 Megatopic + Trade: SCREAM FORTRESS? MORE LIKE JUNGLE INFERNO!  (Read 2690344 times)

remember degreaser and reserve shooter combo.  ┻━┻ ︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻

If your objector doesn't have something that makes people want to turn off TF2 and then dump their PC out their window then you're doing it wrong
it seems like i have cleaned mine so i cant show anymore but it was my old fursona of course

wait who doesn't use shotguns? i only generally use flareguns when there are people i can catch on fire but not catch back up like control points and attack/defense
people who cant aim so they use a scorch crutch. that's my biter opinion anyways, probably isn't the case

people who cant aim so they use a scorch crutch. that's my biter opinion anyways, probably isn't the case
it's the easy mode for flare guns. though it isn't as deadly as a regular flare gun, it's still pretty obnoxious

it's the easy mode for flare guns. though it isn't as deadly as a regular flare gun, it's still pretty obnoxious
that's my problem with it, it's more annoying than anything. you miss and the splash gets you free afterburn anyways

that's my problem with it, it's more annoying than anything. you miss and the splash gets you free afterburn anyways
i wish they'd at least lower the afterburn time for that stuff

i notice that autobalance only seems to activate when the game is about to end. i've been auto'd so many times now during a time where i helped my team seize victory only to be forced on the losing side. very fair and balanced


I found out the halloween items ive had for like years increased in prices super hard
so im selling them all except the emu

idk why but i do better with the machina than with every other rifle, aiming wise
not counting the gruntsman

idk why but i do better with the machina than with every other rifle, aiming wise
not counting the gruntsman
maybe the tracer helps. it's strange but i feel like when i use it i can correct myself easier knowing exactly where the bullet fired. well, so can everyone else in the server but hey lol

me on my way to not be good at sniper

thos are some authentic boots ya got there m8

and here's me not following any theme at all cus i don't have many good hats for sniper lol
« Last Edit: March 28, 2019, 05:39:08 PM by gr8dayseth »

Hey do you guys want any coffee?