Author Topic: Banned from forums for asking for help.  (Read 11763 times)

And anyone esle that wants to stick to the topic then your the one of the greatest readers in blockland and for you Blockzillahead I fill sorry for you what petty I don't know If I should kick your nuts in or grab tape and tape that thing you call a month shut.You're a waste to blockland and my time man stop giving me proof on your troll ideas of me plus I don't aleast I don't get up ever sunday asking for badspot for key deactivation at 3 in the morning.Dude your so anoyying that even god facepalms.Dude your so pathetic!

Use this please.

And anyother things you have to say just proves your pathetic dude if I were you I'd go take a hot shower and think about what I said. Cause man I whould even facepalm. ._. man you anoyy me alot go take a hike with a bear and go smoke weed for an hour.

:P Double face palm double times.Lol!

Double facepalm + double facepalm = quardruple facepalm

This is some serious stuff, guys.

Blockman02 do me a favor and go buy a gun point it the wrong way like a productive person would.

Also what it says for those who can't see it said The fail is so strong that one face palm is not enough!

This has to be christainu2ubers alt

Want to be a super hero? Take a rope and tie it around your neck. You have just saved millions from your stupidity.

get a buu-tter fly knife and Self Delete by stab:

Brb, taking a hike with a bear

Brb, taking a hike with a bear
if you don't know how to set/use a butter fly knife
do exactly what this guys doing:

if you don't know how to set/use a butter fly knife
do exactly what this guys doing:

Anything for OP to get out of this universe.

Want to be a super hero? Take a rope and tie it around your neck. You have just saved millions from your stupidity.
Also I dont do with your kind go stuff bricks on someone esles mind. Watch this video this is how I fell about doing to you blockzillahead I wish I hade this power I whould punch you like he did.