Author Topic: Greatest quotes  (Read 3727 times)

Quote from: rlcbm
best person ever

User was banned for this post

The topic was locked, so I just copied the text..

The topic was locked, so I just copied the text..
what topic was that from

"President Roosevelt reports that the War on Blitzkrieg has absolutely nothing to do with the peaceful religion of National Socialism."

The topic was locked, so I just copied the text..
best person ever

User was banned for this post

Can I be teh doge  :cookieMonster:.

"President Roosevelt reports that the War on Blitzkrieg has absolutely nothing to do with the peaceful religion of National Socialism."
What how come I can't find that in Search?

What how come I can't find that in Search?
I didn't even read the OP, didn't realize it was BLF only.

Nice third account.

Capitalize the N in national socialist, and it is Allies.

The joke

Your head

Quote from: Badspot
A fine use of $20.

One idiot causes a cascade of other idiots.

It's got to be this one. Hellhound is an undiscovered genius.

These are all incredibly old.

These are quotes from the Blockland forums, all notable to be put here.

I did and it was lame because you spawn in a giant open field with a pistol while people 500 miles away from you shoot you with insta-kill rifles.

Contrary to popular belief, I am not some ape changing code at random for my own amusement.

Well excuse me, princess, but I can only read so many 'V12 is stuff' threads before I get a little cranky.

If you take a dump in a movie theater, you get thrown out.

I think you and I have different definitions of the word "read". 

Please cry in the space provided below:

Good, now go forth and convert the non-believers TO RADIOACTIVE VAPOR

That is the "Script_TerrainBuildRules" add-on.  It is disabled by default.  If you do not enable it you will not have this problem.  Try being less of a moron.

What happens exactly?  I've bought 25+ keys with one credit card. 

Did you actually set your computer to use the IP address or did you just pull that number out of your ass?

How about posting a link or clicking "report post to moderator" instead of sending me on a damn scavenger hunt?

Wtf are you talking about.  I cannot decode this post. Also in the future try to make your topic title less handicapped so you can get help instead of just being instantly banned.

What.  What the forget does this even mean?  Do you even look at the screen while typing? 

Stop trying to interpret what this guy is saying.  He is literally handicapped.  His brain does not work in the same way that yours does.  His speech cannot be decoded because it was not encoded properly.

Complete nightmare.  Apparently tons of people are running around with half their controls not set.  The problem here is that I am extremely intelligent and the people having this problem are morons.

Unless they have already been answered in which case I will curse at you.

Your question was loving handicapped and indicated that you clearly had not read my post.

Does anyone know wtf this moron is talking about?

The killbrick event has been removed for v13 as I have never seen a legitimate use for it (cue complainers).

I don't know how to say this without being rude, so I'm just going to be rude.  Your dad shovels coal for a living and I am a goddamn professional computer programmer.  I know more about this subject than your dad.  Port forwarding, if done correctly, is completely safe.

No really, thanks for pointing out how broken the forum is.  That's really what I need to do right now is spend time changing your loving internet diapers instead of working the update that you're all wetting yourselves over.  I banned some people permanently with no reason.  I don't care.  Guess it's time for you to learn how to use a proxy.  Or don't.  Plenty more idiots where you came from. 

Some other grievances I have with you handicaps:

You're all loving idiots and you don't know how to use your computers.  You install god forsaken clusterforget "security" software and then you wonder why Blockland  can't communicate with the master server.  It doesn't work because you broke your loving computer.  Solution: get a new computer and this time don't break it.

No, Blockland will not run on your grandma's celeron 300 / ATI Rage 128. 

Learn how to use winrar.  Jesus christ it's just like opening a folder.  How could you possibly not be able to figure this out.  You open the goddamn rar file and match the words so that the files end up in the right place. 

You don't even know your own goddamn email address.  Pro tip: IT DOES NOT START WITH WWW.  Your email address is not  It is just

Mailing a letter from europe to the US only does not cost $50.  Why the hell would you even think that.  If it did, you could make a good living carrying sacks of mail as your carry-on luggage on commercial airliners. 

Also I'm tired of word censors.  forget em.  Actually I deleted a few of them and now I word censor page shows an error.  That's now quality this forum software is.  Oh but if you go nuts with the profanity I'll ban you.  And then if you email me complaining about it, I'll just throw the email away.  That's how this place works.

Another mystery solved by detective Badspot.

Why would anyone want to pretend to be Iban?

Side note: This whole situation provides more evidence for my theory that anyone under the age of 19 who likes sonic the hedgehog has suffered some kind of brain damage.

You have included code that references functions and objects that are defined in other add-ons.  Evidence of brainless cut-pastery is high.

My favorite part was how it ran at half the framerate we do now, had tons of bugs, no events, no physics, and a completely forgeted add-on system that had you downloading hundreds of things every time you joined a server.

You dumb forgets.

"Ammo thing" is not a feature of v13.  You are running the zombie mod.  You are also a handicap.  Go to the end of the line please.

And you guys bitch about my updates.

I saw this comic and suddenly don't feel as bad.

Removed DM Church save due to jesus nuts complaining

It is no longer possible to disable flood protection - you idiots.

Fixed various animation prediction errors: people running in the air, running in the water, sliding around on their butt, etc. You now see what other people are actually doing.

Turds float I guess.

You installed Blockland to C:\Windows\System32?
Why do people do this?  How could you possibly be the same species as me?

For the love of god.  Stop posting ambiguous topics people.  I don't care if you are potential customers, I can't tolerate this stuff anymore.

Oh no! 2 morons posted on a forum with ~2500 active members!  The sky is falling!

Well if it came down to you not paying, I would just break into your house and rob you.   How does that sit with you?

I have literally spawned like 10,000 times in slate without this problem happening.

You are wrong, please die in the nearest fire.  Thanks. 

To the haters:

Every time there is an update there's always a few laggards who think the old way was better.  They blindly argue against change.  Well guess what friends: the reason we don't live in loving caves today is because people like you lost that argument every generation over and over for the last 400,000 years.  You would stymie all of civilization for your own pathetic power trip.  You are nothing but a human speed bump.

Here's a taste of cold reality: When people are free to host their own servers, they probably won't join yours.  That's because you're an starfish.  The only reason people ever tolerated you was because they simply had no other choice.  Your power monopoly is gone.  Social adeptness and creativity are the new measures of success.  You will not be able to succeed in the new order because you do not possess either of these qualities. 

You signed on for this bullstuff when you bought a Macintosh. Deal with it.

I believe it has been established many times now that Tezuni is the sort of person who should be avoided.

Pics of aborted fetus holding a note that says "Blockland" or it didn't happen.

This is an RTB error. Blame Ephialtes.

Waiter, there's a turd in my soup. I like soup but I dislike turds.

You own a 10 year old video card made by a company that has been out of business for 9 years.

Yiff in hell furcigarette.

Nothing good is ever at the top of a pile of 1x1x5s.

Quality thread happening right here folks.

It takes him a very long time.


This one I'm definitely keeping, this is too hilarious to delete.

I'm really sorry about this, I realized the error a few days ago, but I forgot to warn you about it.

BlockBot just got my ass banned from IRC for being a spambot (can't really argue with that, but she should be immune given she had ops). This is the reason why we're dumping IRC - because we constantly get screwed over by the over-protective monkeys running it.

That may be something to do with your hilarious case of autism.

It's redundant to shoot roadkill.

So I can't say your ip is then?

Oops, your idiocy strikes again.

This is why I "avoided" your statement - because you are not worth talking to.

No doubt there will be a similar public outcry followed by some sort of Frankenstinian mob formation when my idea of a trusted person does not correlate with yours.

Gotta love digging up quotes.

BlockBot is a woman who works for RTB. She's currently off on vacation at the moment (we give her 10 days a year, she usually takes them all at once).

The average Blockland user can barely drop a .zip file into an Add-Ons folder. I don't think they're going to work out hacking any time soon.

Their collective ego imploded on itself.

Mod reviewers are just meant to make sure they don't break anything and don't contain any malicious code. People making add-ons are still required to pay attention to what they're doing, you can't just stuff into a zip file and give it to us to "fix" for you.

I mean in an ideal world, this entire forum would be for Blockland discussion only. The off-topic forums exist as a communal toilet to stop people stuffting where others eat, I suppose.

Seriously, it's god damn annoying, the flashing terrain hurts my eyes :(

Winning is fun! :D

Shorty shorts was made before you was born :x

I saw this on tv like a kajillion years ago.

P.S. To make it more amusing, install the Blood and Gore mod.  It makes every death a laugh.

You dare accuse the Trader of lying?!  The Trader never lies.

Yeah, no.  v13, not v3.  Let's not be ridiculous.

True story: Ephi is the arch nemesis of fun.

Back to the fun, damn it.

That is, at present, beyond the scope of my magics.

Mocheeze, you should be a politician.

Whoa there, little buddy, it's just a hallway.  This isn't The Vortex, it's just a hallway.

It's wrong because Trader isn't into dudes.  Dudes, save yourself some heartbreak.

You may be mentally deficient, but you get good marks for politeness.

Politeness doesn't get you that far.

Dun dun dun.

Lol, Ephi, you're so silly.  How do you take yourself seriously?

I'd love to download things that double my framerate.

Well, you started out as an idiot and then it was all downhill from there.

Long answer.

Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

If you missed the announcement, there isn't really anything I can do. We could have carved the message into Mt. Rushmore right over Washington's face, sent a memo to every school so they could announce it over the PA system, have me personally hand deliver a stamped letter to every household, and hijacked the early warning system and broadcast the message from every single television on the entire planet and you people would have still missed it.


People's heads don't usually explode like that.

thank you badspot for giving us this delicious summer ham.

stop speaking if your going to say stupid things.

is is how 3rd world cultures protect their family wealth of goats. by marrying within?

Lord Tony:
Besides when retail forums are back up I bet there will be over 10 topics about blockland forums down. Seriously it would be back up now why would they still care.

I instantly ban anyone who's not doing what the server name implies, I don't have time for idiots

Can you people go die in a ditch or otherwise keep your stupidity to yourselves? You're just making the world a dumber place.

God forbid we do something productive in a derailed topic.

Oh yeah, Blockland can't have those because its already been done in another game, which is why we shouldn't have any of these weapons, I've seen them elsewhere. Tdm? needs to go, other games have team deathmatches. Stunt plane? Portal gun? gtfo bitches, its been done. Why does blockland have lighting? Other games have lighting, so lighting is fail for blockland, this is blockland, not some other game that has lighting. This is blockland, not tetris, we shouldn't have bricks or Zor's tetris mod. Fire? been done. any server that hosts Zor's firefighting mod is ghey. Infact, while we're on the subject, you can chat in instant messaging programs, remove the chat feature. Badspot, you need to get on this! The originality of your game is at stake!

You obviously didn't get the metaphor.
Is it a metaphor? Who cares.

Point is, There is no point.

There's already many backstabby weapons

I'm staying with Windows 1995.

Forward your pots

Hm, I might've found out why I keep crashing. Let me do a bit more testing, and if it's what I think it is, I'll make sure to report what causes it here, then go curl up in a corner and cry...

Fran Sancisco!

Trying to censor the internet is like attempting to mop up the Mississippi with a damp Kleenex .

Meh. Sometimes I book my face.

Reactor Worker:
I believe the assumption is that when you are running a LAN server you can simply use physical force to resolve any issues.

I laughed so damn hard at that you have no idea, that was probably the single greatest piece of art ever created in the history of all universes. If god exists he wept tears of joy at this gem of humanity.

On cold nights with a full moon, I can still hear Jookia's shrill whine.

Soder it to the side of your head and see the world in HIGH DEFINITION!

Who the hell is gravy cat?