Author Topic: [Bluzone Private Mods] Script_RPChat V4 | Script_TelChat V3  (Read 23315 times)

My friend has a name richard Johnson :c, he gets made fun of and the teachers don't notice what is going on.

Downloading update :).

-Edit- But yeah I disabled slayer for this, works fine, accept for the whole OOC not working. So idk, maybe a mis type in the coding somewhere? idk.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2012, 11:49:05 PM by Blockoverlord »

If OOC isn't working for you type /admintoggleooc twice. Then it should work. (Teamchat + a ^ for OOC incase you didn't know.)

If OOC isn't working for you type /admintoggleooc twice. Then it should work. (Teamchat + a ^ for OOC incase you didn't know.)
oooooooohhhh, /that/ glitch

I can fix that quick

Fixed and done.
V3 is out with a piddly fix.

You should be nice and give me us Telechat.

You should be nice and give me us Telechat.

Download // I haven't removed the dependancies and eval backdoors for this mod yet. You'll have to wait.

SHA1 isn't that bad, it's main vulnerability is that it's too fast, and that can be mitigated if you run a few iterations on it and salt it properly.

How to salt with sha1()?

How to salt with sha1()?
Something like
Code: [Select]
%salt = getRandom(1463, 9999999); // replace with better random string
%hashed = sha1(%salt @ %password) TAB %salt;

And then, to verify
Code: [Select]
getField(%hashed, 0) $= sha1(getField(%hashed, 1) @ %password)

is that kinda like ssh public keys?

randomstuffbladghsywjseshxesjsdgsj email

is that kinda like ssh public keys?

randomstuffbladghsywjseshxesjsdgsj email

Not really, you just prepend (and store) a random string to the password, which makes it harder to identify identical passwords (and makes brute-forcing it a bit slower, as well as making you need a bigger rainbow table to crack it).

sets named to robert richardensons
gets banned by system

sets named to robert richardensons
gets banned by system
yes this shouldn't be surprising

Filename is "Script_RPChat(1)" instead of "Script_RPChat"