Author Topic: Beachbum111111 -- All homeschooled people are social outcasts!  (Read 11501 times)

It was a friendly debate. This drama wasn't really necessary.
not really for us to decide

i did have to laugh that they all had their panties in a knot that people had a different opinion than them in a discussion thread. that's like jumping in the mlp thread and complaining about all the mlp

There are a lot of programs that do this and homeschooling groups usually do some sort of thing like this.
i still disagree that it's something that can be emulated. any program that protective home schooling mums come up with is going to be rigid and nothing like regular socializing in a regular school. i'm not even arguing that the public school system throws out all socially perfect beings, it forgets up a lot of weak kids along the way, but it's the closest thing to a real life simulation as you'll come. it's not a disney world out there and some program isn't going to be able to prepare you for a bully boss or coworker - that's where your system falls short.

I never said all home schooled kids are social outcasts. But all the ones I know are.

Again: people take things too seriously
the only thing serious around here is your moms case of big vagina due to me doing her last nightAside from that, if anyone is being too serious here it's you.

i still disagree that it's something that can be emulated. any program that protective home schooling mums come up with is going to be rigid and nothing like regular socializing in a regular school. i'm not even arguing that the public school system throws out all socially perfect beings, it forgets up a lot of weak kids along the way, but it's the closest thing to a real life simulation as you'll come. it's not a disney world out there and some program isn't going to be able to prepare you for a bully boss or coworker - that's where your system falls short.

No system is perfect. You've made a lot of good points and I like that you are comparing both sides of the story.

And also, this thread wasn't about how someone has a different opinion, it was how someone had a different opinion and provided no evidence as to why.

the only thing serious around here is your moms case of big vagina due to me doing her last nightAside from that, if anyone is being too serious here it's you.

Who's made the drama again? Me or darkness. And you did not give a valid argument. You just straight up insulted me.

i dont think reacting to you saying that anyone who knows proper grammar should have thier damn kneecaps busted.

this is one of the worst english sentences i've ever seen
10/10 gj

Who's made the drama again? Me or darkness. And you did not give a valid argument. You just straight up insulted me.
im not insulting you, you're calling people too serious for not agreeing with you, while being really serious.

Who's made the drama again? Me or darkness. And you did not give a valid argument. You just straight up insulted me.

I have over 10 quotes showing that you did not provide a valid argument. It's your word versus my proof.

No system is perfect. You've made a lot of good points and I like that you are comparing both sides of the story.

And also, this thread wasn't about how someone has a different opinion, it was how someone had a different opinion and provided no evidence as to why.

You forgot to look at my posts? I clearly stated that when I was homeschooled I had a rough time socializing. You may learn at a better level when homeschooling but in the end you learn the exact same thing as a public school teaches by grade 12

No system is perfect
i know that. i'm saying where that specific system falls short is socializing kids and preparing them for the real world

And also, this thread wasn't about how someone has a different opinion, it was how someone had a different opinion and provided no evidence as to why.
i'm not talking about that, i'm talking about how you guys flipped stuff when i came in and didn't share your opinion

because you did

If you had friends, you couldn't be so socially awkward.

You forgot to look at my posts? I clearly stated that when I was homeschooled I had a rough time socializing. You may learn at a better level when homeschooling but in the end you learn the exact same thing as a public school teaches by grade 12

Actually, no. Here's a link showing that homeschooled children score higher on standard tests.

i'm not talking about that, i'm talking about how you guys flipped stuff when i came in and didn't share your opinion

because you did

I wasn't directing that at you.

Actually, no. Here's a link showing that homeschooled children score higher on standard tests.

I wasn't directing that at you.

I know I was homeschooled but again. You didn't read what I put. I said in the end both sides get taught the exact same thing.

I know I was homeschooled but again. You didn't read what I put. I said in the end both sides get taught the exact same thing.

It doesn't matter if they are taught the same thing. It matters if they learn it and if they use it.

If you had friends, you couldn't be so socially awkward.
friends don't instantly mean you're not socially awkward

the socially awkward kids group with the other socially awkward kids at school. the cool kids group with the cool kids. the inbetween kids group with the inbetween kids. that's the whole reason social divides happen in school.