Author Topic: ►►►The Daily Life of Badspot  (Read 27313 times)

%:)) Time Future (Age of time!)
Badspot goes way into the future where you gets his old brain back and now is the Badspot today

and I mean it the end!
Grr listen!
F*ck you forumers!
« Last Edit: August 29, 2007, 10:23:42 PM by Meta »

forget you guys, THE SHOW MUST GO ON.
4:00, Badspot stoned out of his mind taps into psychic energies and goes back to the present future. He then creates blockland ENTIRELY in one hour in one day, and thus the Space/time continuum is safe to continue.

Badspot updates AoT and changes everything! Earthquake, Tsumanis, Hurricanes, Tornadoes, the earth slipt into moluces and BadSpots scrolls in his bricks list and uses 1x1 and repairs earth but that was spam the earths laggs like hell

6:00PM badspot changes AOT back with a backup he had. Spams gone. Now he goes to have some waffles.

7:00PM Badspot is fat from the waffles.

8:00PM Badspot is still eating waffles...


Badspot runs out of waffles.

12:01 AM

Badspot finds brown Legos and makes a waffle out of them.

12:35 AM

4 Mysterious figures look through a window at Badspot playing with legos and eating waffles and then the 4 Mysterious figures walk into some random blue portal to another dimension that nobody knows about or cares about for that matter.

Suddenly, Pluto regains his planetary license and shoots Jupiter with a
Desert Eagle.

12:36 AM
Badspot does not care about what is going on atm so he carries on playing with his legos.

12.40 AM

Bored with his LEGO© building blocks, he decides to go for a late night cruise, so he leaves his apartment and gets in his 1994 Geo Metro.

Even at this hour though, there is some one out walking their dog that notices him, subsequently he is ruthlessly mocked for his car so he decides to ride a bike instead. He is now riding down the sidewalk away from his complex...

1:40 AM

Badspot sees his Geo Metro being driven by Miga and starts yelling HAX HAX HAX
« Last Edit: August 30, 2007, 07:41:00 PM by Miga »

1:50 AM
Miga soon realizes this crappy car wasn't worth stealing, and notices that the ignition has fallen out from the steering wheel and is dangling from the side(this happens in all geo metros I've ever seen) He then steps out, and steals a better car.

1:52 AM
Miga doesn't see any other cars, so he mugs Badspot, who is still having a wafflebuzz, and takes his recumbant bike. It has a bell.

1:53 A.M.
Miga tries to taunt the waffle-buzzed, bikeless Badspot with the bell, which is made of fail, so it falls apart and hits miga in the eye.
Somehow Badspot manages to get home on the bike, Geo Metro being pulled by the bike.