Author Topic: Where are my maps? sorry is this is a stupid question  (Read 2437 times)

Oh I remember you making all those maps, sucks for all that hard work to go down the drain :\

that's because people voted for a dynamic lightning system that only 10% of all game population can actually use it efficiently

You still need to give badspot credit, hes doing as much as he can to make it work, with frequent updates.

Besides, people mostly used adjustable plate anyway T_O

What the forget
You are asking for a refund because a crappy old feature (Interiors and terrain) Was removed?
Interiors and terrain were really buggy and had to be removed, all maps are slate
There are many customization options like color, sun options, water, sky and many more
And Shadows and Shaders were made possible because of this removal
Plus the interiors and terrain made updates harder to code
You should be happy that this change occurred

or hang yourself or cut off your head or shoot yourself

What the forget
You are asking for a refund because a crappy old feature (Interiors and terrain) Was removed?
Interiors and terrain were really buggy and had to be removed, all maps are slate
There are many customization options like color, sun options, water, sky and many more
And Shadows and Shaders were made possible because of this removal
Plus the interiors and terrain made updates harder to code
You should be happy that this change occurred

or hang yourself or cut off your head or shoot yourself

Even though this is obnoxious and also a bump, he's right.

I said i should,not that im going to,just a flat area to build and play is CRAP,hills and valleys and rivers and oceans were worth playing.

at least minecraft asks you if you want to update and posts a change log.

but i understand a lot of peeps were breaking blockland and then crying that their blockland dont work anymore and expect someone else to fix the problem they caused,i broke it at least a dozen times,but never tried to host a server when i did it, and the easy fix was to just re-install it.

and to tell you the truth i do not trust anything that has LLC after their name,to me it means they know something is wrong and expect to get sued or something.

it also usally means losing lots of cash

Blockland is that game where you build stuff, not that game where you build stuff on pre-made maps

Backdate to V19
Enjoy your lonely landscapes.

I said i should,not that im going to,just a flat area to build and play is CRAP,hills and valleys and rivers and oceans were worth playing.

at least minecraft asks you if you want to update and posts a change log.

but i understand a lot of peeps were breaking blockland and then crying that their blockland dont work anymore and expect someone else to fix the problem they caused,i broke it at least a dozen times,but never tried to host a server when i did it, and the easy fix was to just re-install it.

and to tell you the truth i do not trust anything that has LLC after their name,to me it means they know something is wrong and expect to get sued or something.

it also usally means losing lots of cash
You're overreacting to this. You're implying they scammed you or something. Many people agreed that the terrains and interiors looked ugly.

Wow, Mutantz just lost all my respect.

Mutantz you have been gone for years we have a section now for updates.
Also Interiors and Terrains where holding us back now that they are gone we could have even better stuff.

Maybe one day at least terrains could make a comeback.Many of us actually
hated the idea of removing maps, but then we learned to accept it when it opened room for new possibilities, you wear a great map maker but just becauase the thing your good at is gone does not mean its over.

You could try making gamemodes, or enviorments, or you can try Brickscaping your old maps.

Blockland is that game where you build stuff, not that game where you build stuff on pre-made maps

blockland is that game where you build stuff, not that game where you drive jeeps. Vehicles should be removed!! cut content so we can fit our motto!

blockland is that game where you build stuff, not that game where you drive jeeps. Vehicles should be removed!! cut content so we can fit our motto!
Very lame heed. You know that's not why Interiors and Terrain were removed. They were removed because they were holding back the game's potential and its development.

Very lame heed. You know that's not why Interiors and Terrain were removed. They were removed because they were holding back the game's potential and its development.
not to mention his own TDM server has vehicles, I think.

Very lame heed. You know that's not why Interiors and Terrain were removed. They were removed because they were holding back the game's potential and its development.
You missed the point. He was just commenting on how stupid the tagline is as an explanation for why they got removed.

not to mention his own TDM server has vehicles, I think.
And you missed the point even harder.