
Who are you voting for / in favor of?

Jesus, man
Bamitt Obamney
Batman, robin for VP

Author Topic: Argue over the superior religion / belief  (Read 16558 times)

What are the incentives? The tax cuts themselves or is there an added in 'bonus'? For instance, if your dad hires 200 people, what does he gain other than the said 200 employees

The incentives are the ability to make more money. Investments into businesses cost money, lots of it, and there tends to be a risk in losing the money you invest. If you know that your business will make more money -because taxes are less- you will be more willing to risk your money. When people risk their money into a business, its not magical money that comes from no where, for small business people its often money they earn through hours of labor.

If my dad was to hire 200 people for some business, because he needed them, he would gain what ever economic output those 200 people were willing to add to his business, in exchange for a valuable service (Money and benefits). With more people working for him, idealy  it means he will have more money in his pocket to ether invest, spend, save, or donate to some charitable orginization.

Lets say a business owner has the option to expand his business. If he knows there is a 40% risk he will lose his money and the expansion will fail, would he be more willing to go ahead with the risk if he made more money on the investment? Obviously he would be. Investors are just Americans who want to make money for themselves in order to improve their situation. With less taxes, they are more willing to risk their hard earned money for rewards.

I'm waiting...

I'll grab a few but I'll have to search for more tommorow.

The incentives are the ability to make more money. Investments into businesses cost money, lots of it, and there tends to be a risk in losing the money you invest. If you know that your business will make more money -because taxes are less- you will be more willing to risk your money. When people risk their money into a business, its not magical money that comes from no where, for small business people its often money they earn through hours of labor.

If my dad was to hire 200 people for some business, because he needed them, he would gain what ever economic output those 200 people were willing to add to his business, in exchange for a valuable service (Money and benefits). With more people working for him, idealy  it means he will have more money in his pocket to ether invest, spend, save, or donate to some charitable orginization.

Lets say a business owner has the option to expand his business. If he knows there is a 40% risk he will lose his money and the expansion will fail, would he be more willing to go ahead with the risk if he made more money on the investment? Obviously he would be. Investors are just Americans who want to make money for themselves in order to improve their situation. With less taxes, they are more willing to risk their hard earned money for rewards.
Well obama is black so he is a bad president1!!


Watch this.

Here are some more thoughts and news about Obama's relationship with Moscow.

Obama and putin


In response to Iran:
"In any case, Ledeen makes clear that the Obama administration didn’t respond at all to the desperate plea from the Greens, who must have been nonplussed to find the Obama administration preferring to deal with the mullahs:"


The website has a link to the Washington Examiners report on the situation. The Greens are Iranian people whose leaders were asking for Obamas help against their government.

The documents also report thats Iran will never give up the Atomic bomb or its brutal dictatorship.

Why are people begging for the US to go drive tanks into another country again? Isn't it the UN's job to assist countries like that?

what is a pol ee tick thing?

what is a pol ee tick thing?
Poly=Root for 'many'
Tick=Blood-sucking insect

Take it from there

Why are people begging for the US to go drive tanks into another country again? Isn't it the UN's job to assist countries like that?
Agreed. We should deal with our own stuff before pilfering in other's.

Poly=Root for 'many'
Tick=Blood-sucking insect

Take it from there
that is loving hilarious.

Obama saved our asses from the great depression that Bush nearly put us in.

this, everyone seems to think that obama put the US into debt but that's blasthemy.

i go for obama because romney is a loving handicap and has a head so thick that it leaves little room for his brain to fit in there

Take it from there
Poly = Many
Tic = Someone or something that acts in the affairs of or represents the actions or concepts of an object, person or populous, idea or interest.

Therefore a politician is someone who acts in the affairs of and represents a populous, and ideas that the populous associates itself with.

Yeah, it's 1:28 in the morning.  I know I'm being literal ~.~

Gart has really turned this topic from pro-Obama to pro-Romney, lots of facts and info. However I remain firmly aligned with Obama.

Badspot is a liberal, I win.