Author Topic: Klein bottles: you know a glass vial is metal if it manages to defy everything.  (Read 5402 times)

Klein bottles are inherently fascinating. An object that for all intents and purposes, that is utterly useless except in its ability to describe the failing of mathematics, and the human mind as a result.

Klein bottles are constructed out of one side of glass. I’ll let that sink in for a second: it only has one; a singular side. Even more perplexing is the inability for human language or mathematics to come up with descriptive tense for it: due to mathematics failing when presented with a Klein bottle, it has no theoretical volume. Despite this, it can hold volume, even though it has none of its own.
Even more confusing, is that it is technically a four dimensional object: an linear object that as you fill, defies physics and technically time itself. Being a single sided object, it is non orientable: imagine for example a piece of paper with only one side. if you look at the edge, Which side is the side faces left? Which faces right?
The answer? Neither exists.

In all intents and purposes Klein a purely intangible: whilst it is possible to own one, it does not exist. Being entirely unfathomable in depth and volume, it technically encompasses all things: at this moment in time you are both inside and outside of every Klein bottle in existence. A step further highlights human fallibility even more: it is a four dimensional object, that is bound in three dimensions, disregarding the fourth.

The thing I like about Klein bottles is their simple complexity: entirely unfathomable yet entirely simple: it is just a mass of glass shaped to become itself. But it has no mass at all, and whilst you may use three grams of glass to make it, once it reaches that shape, it has no mass at all. This is the limit of human understanding. This is where we lose our knowledge, this is where every single thing we, you, and I know, means nothing. And it’s just a simple glass bottle. So simple, and yet so exquisitely, impossibly, outrageously complex.
My Klein bottle both encompasses you, and you encompass it. But our minds cannot encompass anything.

Ladies and gentleman, I present to you the true manifestation of the end of human understanding, more complex than infinite black holes: the Klein bottle. The only form in the world that both exists, and doesn’t.

True understanding of the world, is to accept that we understand nothing, even understanding itself.

True understanding of the world, is to accept that we understand nothing, even understanding itself.

The only form in the world that both exists, and doesn’t.
schrodinger's bottle

do they actually exist or is this just a rendition

i don't see what's so complex. it's just a tube that expands, then it's lips fold out, curve around itself and meet it at the end of the tube.

woah man this is so ground breaking?

do they actually exist or is this just a rendition
It's a rendition of a brutal existence paradox. It shouldn't exist according to maths, yet it does.

i don't get it, what exists? the bottle? I don't see how the description in the OP relates to klien bottles.

I don't think anything should count as a thing if it has to go through itself

turn it over and fill it

woah stuff man so complexxxxxx
« Last Edit: October 21, 2012, 10:19:27 AM by TheChaosCarrier »

yeah I think everyone's missing something that you're seeing bc this is pretty simple and I don't see how it could exist and not

well of course it can't exist, it loving goes through itself.

well of course it can't exist, it loving goes through itself.
you can shape, weld, and sand metal plates together to look exactly like this.
minus the transparency of course

my mind is just as forgeted as the bottle

seriously, i don't remotely get it

you can shape, weld, and sand metal plates together to look exactly like this.
minus the transparency of course
yeah but then it's not this
it's a different thing. there are no holes in this (which is the problem)