Author Topic: I'm going to be a father in 7 1/2 months  (Read 18649 times)

Oh, also Trinick:
Quote from: Wikipedia link
False pregnancy or hysterical pregnancy, most commonly termed pseudocyesis in humans and pseudopregnancy in other mammals, is the appearance of clinical and/or subclinical signs and symptoms associated with pregnancy when the organism is not actually pregnant

Maybe your administration skills will rub off on him/her!

My mom had me when she was 15. Though, my biological dad left her right away, she married the man that I now live with today still. My grandparents (on both sides) helped her out tremendously and now she has a very good paying job (:

things turned out lucky for her, I hope the same is true for you OP. Best of luck.

Just curious, which of the several hundred girls we've discussed did you manage to get pregnant? I recall fairly vividly discussing a handfull of different girls and nothing about you dating for 7 months or longer.

Unless of course you lied straight to my face, in which case is totally cool.

Also, I'd recommend saying goodbye to the forums / Blockland within 5 months. Unless of course you give it/he/she/ET up for adoption.
Have fun with all those diapers if you DO decide to keep it though, I'm sure it was totally worth it.Yup. two hours of love for years of hell.

Considering this isn't 16Th century Europe, I don't really see it as appropriate to congratulate you on impregnating a woman while 16-years old, but apparently that's okay in today's standards, so instead I'll just leave it at good luck. mixed emotions 101

Yes, lets grab information from an open-source site to prove a point.
Wikipedia is the most useful resource on this planet and is more reliable than any encyclopedia ever produced. More than 99.99% of articles have no incorrect facts in them, and the articles on Wikipedia are significantly more detailed than in print or web encyclopedias because Wikipedia articles are written by people who work in the field and edited by other people who work in the field. On the contrary, encyclopedias are written by English majors advised by people who work in the field. To enhance Wikipedia's credibility further, virtually every big idea is cited to at least one reliable resource that proves its' validity. Do not ever insult Wikipedia again.

Urine tests have never been as accurate as you people believe.
False-positives are possible.
Urine tests are extremely accurate. If your body is going through pseudopregnancy, your body is literally pregnant. The only exception is that the egg is not fertilized. Thus, the test is not incorrect. You are pregnant. You will simply miscarry due to having an inviable child.

Please, just ask all the thousands of women who have experienced it.
Ask my ex if you want. I experienced the same thing with her (it turned out a false-positive).
You bitched out Wikipedia's validity then used anecdotal evidence. Learn to argue.

Blood tests, however, are 99% accurate and usually always end up with true results.
If you're experiencing pseudopregnancy blood tests are every bit as likely to declare you pregnant, due to the fact that you are pregnant, just with an inviable offspring.

They dont tell you the consequences of love on hollywood

Did your dad try to murder you yet, or was he okay with it?

Well I'll be damned.

not loving surprised.

Well I'll be damned.

not loving surprised.

Is it worth mentioning he claims he's unable to start a conversation with a girl he likes, having been atleast 3 in october/november?

Is it worth mentioning he claims he's unable to start a conversation with a girl he likes, having been atleast 3 in october/november?



They dont tell you the consequences of love on hollywood

aren't you like 11

aren't you like 11

don't all eleven year olds have infinite knowledge on love now?

I mean I thought this had already been established.

Is it worth mentioning he claims he's unable to start a conversation with a girl he likes, having been atleast 3 in october/november?
Wheres your proof.

stuff, I want love.

Should've used the condom, man.