Author Topic: Bushido Blogs about Game Design ("A Warrior Codes")  (Read 930 times)

in an effort toward making some spare cash i have started a blog
ads will go up shortly. a donation button, too

you should check it out. new updates every few days!

(if you have anything that you think would be neat for me to talk about, you should put a comment somewhere. i will have a page for this in a little bit.)

damn that's some good writing

Bookmarked, I'll read some more when I get home later today!

I will still always love ExtraCreditz as my favorite game design discussers, however your reviews aren't bad either.

If you highlight from the to huntering and gathering it shifts part of the text over a little. Very odd.

I like this site though. Good content and interesting name.

I started reading the picture and then I tried to scroll down and remembered where I was.

It's good and makes some interesting points, I probably won't visit it though, since I'm already saturated with game related media.

there's that donation button i was talking about

next step: adspace!

Needs more color, the website is like croatia during the dead of winter.

Needs more color, the website is like croatia during the dead of winter.
i think the coloring  is fine, but he needs like a little bar on the side that moves with the screen. and in that bar it would have stuff that would allow you to search blog posts by tags, like "rpg gaming", "indie gaming" and other stuff. and maybe like a short summary on the blog or something.

I wish stuff like this was common sense, but I guess nowadays you have to actually explain to people the stuff that is chance-based gameplay. Player input = clicking a button and praying. Skill or thought = wait what?

Reading some of the articles, it sounds a bit like you read TV Tropes. Also, they're really well though out. Neat blog!

You write well, I'll be following this.
However, I don't see the ads of which you speak. I don't have any kind of adblock.

Don't forget to write an "objective" *winkwink* article about blockland

It's not particularity written in a very engaging way and there's not much that other people haven't said in a better way.

And assuming you are/will use google adsense it's against the t&c to tell people to click adverts.
And they will know.
« Last Edit: November 20, 2012, 09:48:25 AM by tails »