Author Topic: Clan[MotE]  (Read 226316 times)

Added him to the server ban list.

I was wondering if I may please join the clan?

« Last Edit: October 23, 2007, 10:24:24 PM by supercool »

One of the rules: Don't submit a box house.

That is a box skyscaper.

...were you serious? All you did was spam windows.

Also, taking over MotE topic for a post =D

I was wondering if I may please join the clan?

heres my app it's a pirate ship click on link to view

No, go away.

Are Randy and Spat coming back today or tomorrow.

I just got back and Randy will be back later today.

supercool if I'm not mistaken you tried using that same build to get into USSR..
 :cookie: for originality.

Anyways, I was wondering if this clan is still accepting app's at the moment. If not could you please
notify me when (or I could check back as well, i could use the exercise :P) I'm hoping the answer is in 'our' favor :D.

If that is the case, I will have my app done by either tonight or tomorrow night.

Thanks for your time :]

Currently, we only accept extraordinary applications.

Sounds good, if my build is not up to par, then i will enjoy the suggestions and or advice
to better my building etiquette.

Time to work on the build.

i am in the clan as well
id 685

Hello, I've finished my app and is posted in the Gallery section.

Thanks for your time :]

=[ Did anyone get a recent save of my castle I forgot to save when I closed Blockland.

Also anyone know about Pwnage? ID 1975 I think, he was claiming to be in MotE.

=[ Did anyone get a recent save of my castle I forgot to save when I closed Blockland.

That stinks :\ I remember when I accidentally saved over a project..tough stuff