
Which of these servers should be inducted?

Pecon7's Boss Battles
40 (15.1%)
Wink's City RPG
2 (0.8%)
Cysero's Midieval RPG
4 (1.5%)
Cat123's Grapple Knife TDM
7 (2.6%)
Wizzard's Dogfight TDM
21 (7.9%)
Diggy's Metropolis
12 (4.5%)
Heedicalking's TDM
16 (6%)
Kalphiter's New Years Party
41 (15.5%)
Jorgur's Dogfight TDM
22 (8.3%)
Pload's Jail Escape
15 (5.7%)
Crown's Jail Escape
2 (0.8%)
Custard's City RPG
0 (0%)
Surburb's City RP
2 (0.8%)
Kniaz's Bluezone
26 (9.8%)
[]----[]'s Mafia Madness
13 (4.9%)
Red Guy's Unlimited Mining
8 (3%)
Centhra's Dueling
8 (3%)
Wicked's City RPG
5 (1.9%)
Nobot's Deathrace
9 (3.4%)
Pablo's Lego Server
6 (2.3%)
Cucumberdude's Jail RP
6 (2.3%)

Total Members Voted: 160

Voting closed: December 31, 2012, 04:35:07 PM

Author Topic: Blockland Server Hall of Fame Qualifiers  (Read 4195 times)

Jorgurs server was absolutely amazing.

Cat123's Grapple Knife Server


Cat123's Grapple Knife Server


Is this sarcastic or are you a dumbass who can't understand that there is nothing original, fun or challenging about grapple knife servers? My cousin had one long before Cat did, about an year ago too. I can' believe this server actually gets players because its so damn boring.

Is this sarcastic or are you a dumbass who can't understand that there is nothing original, fun or challenging about grapple knife servers? My cousin had one long before Cat did, about an year ago too. I can believe this server actually gets players because its so damn boring.

<3 fixt

It would be great if it was hosted again, maybe that's what hes aiming at.
I find that hard to believe.
How exactly did Cciamlazy, a troll who was permanently banned from the server and never seen on the server ever again, take down my server more than version 21? You must be handicapped if you honestly believe that load of bull.

Also the reason I don't bring it back is because I want to "move forward" with v21 or whatever and me and some friends are already almost done with a new project. http://forum.blockland.us/index.php?topic=215636.0
« Last Edit: December 05, 2012, 12:48:28 AM by Nobot »

Badspot's doesn't need to be in HOF, because it's that good.

I would say Wink's CityRPG because I worked 3 months on it, but it only lasted a week. :/

2 votes for me.  Oh well, I never did host my city rp for more than a month at a time.

Kojolika's Castle Siege

[]----[]'s Mafia Madness: People built this.
actually not too much

it's basically the default Pyramid build with a bunch of modifications

however there is an afterlife area built and soon-to-be generated landscape for 'some use'

the build works well for the mod's purposes more than any other considered

most of the work is done in the mod itself.

What i'm talking about is a server that focuses on building that the clients have a  part in, like community builds and such. It doesn't matter if the build was made by someone if people just shoot each other, collect money in their stuffty mod or stab each other in the face. That doesn't promote building.
7 servers on that list promote building.

Here's the kicker, people usually don't go to building servers to build. They host their own servers for that, that way they have full control over their builds.
Thats my point, nobody hosts them before because apparently making a freebuild server is the sign of a lazy host.
Nope. People host them, but people prefer to build in private servers. It's way more productive, trust me.
To answer your question there is one godly creature who still hosts one of my favorite servers of all time: Badspot with his Blockparty.
A huge mess of empty baseplates and stuff with stuff on it. A collaborated build with little-to-none moderation.
Well i visit building servers all the time and contribute to them.
Good for you. Make a top 5 list and be honest.
maybe that is just what you do, but i like to experiment different styles while socializing with other people, which is why i hate building in single player.
When I say build privately, I don't always mean single player. People often build with their friends or clan mates.

actually not too much

it's basically the default Pyramid build with a bunch of modifications

however there is an afterlife area built and soon-to-be generated landscape for 'some use'

the build works well for the mod's purposes more than any other considered

most of the work is done in the mod itself.
This word here implies someone built it.

This word here implies someone built it.
i guess i interpreted it as "the host made the build"

Anyone remember my Falling Platforms?