Author Topic: The decoding topic - post stuff to decode or even deeper  (Read 6328 times)

There was no indentation that this would be one of "Those" threads, If you're going to do this, at least let us know it's a puzzle, or many of us will confuse it with spam.
Ambiguous topic title! BANNN

But you didn't tell us anything. How were we supposed to know it was a puzzle? We couldn't possibly have known.
The URL was in the OP in zalgo text.

But you didn't tell us anything. How were we supposed to know it was a puzzle? We couldn't possibly have known.
I know, kakashi11 explained that. I have edited the OP again to explain it is a puzzle

Ambiguous topic title! BANNN
When the Title is Ambiguous and the OP is filled with unidentifiable characters, i would suspect it to be spam.

I know, kakashi11 explained that. I have edited the OP again to explain it is a puzzle
Don't give up. I figured out how it works without any hints. These guys are cigarettes.

When the Title is Ambiguous and the OP is filled with unidentifiable characters, i would suspect it to be spam.
He gave us the URL to decode it. God.

He gave us the URL to decode it. God.
But have you loving realized that he made multiple edits before and NO ONE knew what to do with it? So most of us suspected it with spam.

But have you loving realized that he made multiple edits before and NO ONE knew what to do with it? So most of us suspected it with spam.
I decoded it right when he posted it. It wasn't hard. He gave us a decoding site and a code. Great job.

Now decode this!

SSBiZXQgeW91IGNhbid0IGRlY29kZ SB0aGlzLCBmYWdnb3Qu

He gave us a decoding site
AFTER most of us recognized it as spam.

Now decode this!

SSBiZXQgeW91IGNhbid0IGRlY29kZ SB0aGlzLCBmYWdnb3Qu
Decoded, but how do I put it in a spoiler box
For now i'll just shrink it
I bet you can't decode this, friend.

AFTER most of us recognized it as spam.
I'm twelve years old and I figured it out faster than anyone else. Says something doesn't it?

Decoded, but how do I put it in a spoiler box
For now i'll just shrink it
I bet you can't decode this, friend.[/size]
Great job! See klocko? it's not hard!

I'm twelve years old and I figured it out faster than anyone else. Says something doesn't it?
You figured it out faster then anyone else because no one else was trying.