Invisalbe Spary.

Author Topic: Invisalbe Spary.  (Read 4668 times)

Exactly we need more  of a varity.
i think the word youre looking for is variety

[Lets see you come up with a new plane model![

I made a paintable helicopter with working rotor blades and seating for 5 (with alot of help from packer). What mods have you made?

Oh....and I am working on a new plane FYI.

Ever hear the saying "Walk a mile in some one elses shoes!

I don't need walk in your shoes to know what you basically pasted it over the past 4 pages.

give me a break i am only 13!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Those exclamation marks really add to your argument.

Wait, Spation, if you're not 13 yet, how old are you?

Wait, Spation, if you're not 13 yet, how old are you?

He must be over 16, he just can't be that young.

Wait, Spation, if you're not 13 yet, how old are you?

He must be over 16, he just can't be that young.

I think you'll find that age is not a detirmining factor in the maturity of users of these forums. I doubt someone would say they were 13 or less unless it was true. Most would try to pass themselves off as being older.

yeah, i agree but if you must know i really am 9 yrs old.

You need to learn to look at things from a nother point of view. Like have a more varity i meant for what i said that 3 is not enouhg we need a varity. Ever hear the saying "Walk a mile in some one elses shoes!
Oh and this is my last message for this Suggestion because you are all jerks. With this topic. give me a break i am only 13!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





"With this topic."


"i am only 13" + all above comments.


Results are in! Your maturity level has been ranked...

Average is normally 80-120. Sorry, you didn't cut it!

Wow. We have some mature preteens on the forum. (Spation and Chex, not Digicigarette)

I are 14... even when I was six I could spell variety.

Lol for every "varity". You said it so much *wipes tears from eyes and tries to make mad grin fade*

I'd rather not say my age. Best no one knows.