
x86 Or ARM?


Author Topic: [MEGATHREAD] Personal Computer - Updated builds thanks to Logical Increments  (Read 1327915 times)


We just ordered this baby. It's either going to arrive on Friday if they ship during Christmas, arrive on Saturday if they ship for the last day on weekends, or arrive on Monday. Can't wait.

i see you went with my suggestion

anywho i'm probably going to be putting my build together today so i'll probably be posting pics

i see you went with my suggestion
Yeah, thanks for showing me. The computer seemed to be better than the one we were looking at the more I looked at the specifications.


We just ordered this baby. It's either going to arrive on Friday if they ship during Christmas, arrive on Saturday if they ship for the last day on weekends, or arrive on Monday. Can't wait.
its decent. won't play games maxed out but it'll do its job

I'm just doing an awful job explaining it. It has no moving parts, so it can retrieve files faster than an HDD.
On my SSD I hold my OS, Firefox, and other small applications I use often.

I personally find it a nice addition. You can tell there's a difference between the two, but it is an unneeded addition.

But that's the thing, most of my games take like 5-8 seconds at most to load things.

Chrome is literally instant and most things in general are instant but games. I completely understand what SSDs do and what they're capable of but I still don't see a reason for one, I rarely actually wait more than 10 seconds for literally anything.

Most SSDs aren't worth it imo.  When the tech gets better and they get more reasonably priced then yes but for now no.

So I finally got all my parts, except for a graphics which I haven't ordered yet.
I was naive enough to think my old HDD would work just like that :(
Gonna see if I can pick up a nice, relatively cheap SSD in the coming days lol

Well, I finally have money to where I can buy a disk drive for my PC. Not sure if I should invest in getting another fan to put on my case, as of now I have a bunch of dust sucking vents.

what would give better performance?
upgrading my fx 4300 to an 8350 or getting an ssd?

what would give better performance?
upgrading my fx 4300 to an 8350 or getting an ssd?
Depends on the kind of performance. All around performance? SSD
Video encoding performance? CPU

If I were you, I would get the SSD and then save up for a better (intel) processor

Depends on the kind of performance. All around performance? SSD
Video encoding performance? CPU

If I were you, I would get the SSD and then save up for a better (intel) processor
alright. I was looking at getting a newer gen i5 to save up for. The only thing is, I think a gtx 770 isnt too great with a fx 4300. I heard a few things about it bottlenecking

alright. I was looking at getting a newer gen i5 to save up for. The only thing is, I think a gtx 770 isnt too great with a fx 4300. I heard a few things about it bottlenecking
Depends on the game. Skyrim is probably just about as bad as it's going to get in terms of cpu bottleneck

Finally excited to post my massive upgrades looks wise to my system, in a few days I will be up to 12gbs total of ram and my new graphics card will be here as well


Pics of my lovey case and cable management

how much was the case?