
x86 Or ARM?


Author Topic: [MEGATHREAD] Personal Computer - Updated builds thanks to Logical Increments  (Read 1328162 times)

the g3258 is comparatively stuff and is even going to be stufftier 1 year later when you're going to buy it

Your going to need to buy a new and better one anyways
Why not do it right away?
Budget, a word you can't seem to grasp
the g3258 is comparatively stuff and is even going to be stufftier 1 year later when you're going to buy it
I won't be able to get any better so I might as well get the best for the value lmao. There's a reason why it's near always on the 1 or 2 spot for best performing budget cpu

Than save up 50 quids more you asswaffle
Thats like a days work

Budget, a word you can't seem to grasp
I won't be able to get any better so I might as well get the best for the value lmao. There's a reason why it's near always on the 1 or 2 spot for best performing budget cpu
what's your budget?

Than save up 50 quids more you asswaffle
Thats like a days work
50 quid for a locked cpu that wont preform as good for what I want / need? Lol

I don't play games that require i7 6600k type stuff by the way, that's why I'm getting the pentium, plus it's unlocked so there's a big plus. I'd getting a real good GPU because the games I play need it if I want real good performance.

Unless if there's an unlocked CPU in the lga 1150 socket that wont cost 100+ dollars more, then I'll stay with the g3258
what's your budget?
Walmart / another minimum wage job, which is around 1000 a month. My build right now plus shipping would barely be under it, considering I have to get literally every periphial other than a desk and chair

minimum wage, which is around 1000 a month. My build right now plus shipping would barely be under it, considering I have to get literally every periphial other than a desk and chair
>1000 a month
holy stuff forget
literally save up for more than a month to get something extraordinarily better

>1000 a month
holy stuff forget
literally save up for more than a month to get something extraordinarily better
I may or may not when the time comes, it just really depends on what games that I want are out at the time, the need to use the money for other things, and stuff like that

save up more and build some alienware level stuff, dummy
Why build some medium stuff when you can wait a month and build some 4K 60FPS 16x AA ultra stuff on 3 monitors
Dont give in to temptation

save up more and build some alienware level stuff, dummy
Why build some medium stuff when you can wait a month and build some 4K 60FPS 16x AA ultra stuff on 3 monitors
Dont give in to temptation
lol what

lol what
why forget around with a stuff setup only after a month when you could wait a few and get something that would've only been in your dreams
like you don't really seem like you're thinking for the future. you're saying stuff like "games i want that are out at the time" and not thinking about more resource heavy games that you could want later
« Last Edit: September 04, 2016, 06:57:10 AM by Daswiruch »

why forget around with a stuff setup only after a month when you could wait a few and get something that would've only been in your dreams
like you don't really seem like you're thinking for the future. you're saying stuff like "games i want that are out at the time" and not thinking about more resource heavy games that you could want later
Tbh I don't really care about having the most expensive setup or 120fps in any game no matter what and stuff like that. As long as the performance is good for what I need and the setup has what I need, then it's perfect to me.

Tbh I don't really care about having the most expensive setup or 120fps in any game no matter what and stuff like that. As long as the performance is good for what I need and the setup has what I need, then it's perfect to me.
Yeah thats what I said before I bought mine too lol
I wouldve waited another year to buy mine if I knew that

Also question, what's the difference that a white certified PSU has against any other PSU, certified or not?

Do you want it to explode? Get an uncertified one.
As simple as that

Do you want it to explode? Get an uncertified one.
As simple as that
I want a valid reason / explination, not captain obvious