Author Topic: [AoB] Architects of Blockland - 2013  (Read 41669 times)

bump please dont die :(

   Where is everyone :(

Yeah, :(. anyway are there any upcoming clan events im not aware of?

Yeah, :(. anyway are there any upcoming clan events im not aware of?

None that I am aware of.. Hopefully Rem will arrange some sometime soon. Were all just sitting around waiting for something to happen lol.

For how many days has Rem been inactive?

For how many days has Rem been inactive?

Quite awhile. He might be dead At first it was like, he was online but he was hosting LAN, but then it turned into he wouldnt really be  on except for checking in once and awhile, and well I haven't been on much myself lately (due to overall clan inactivity i get ronery:C) but I never see Rem online anymore and I really hope he comes back cus its way to early in the year for AoB to go inactive for the year:o

Anyone who would be willing or able to take the lead temporarily? Perhaps Black_Ninja or Dante?

Just to organize a project and keep a server presence.

I still technically own the server, so I can make someone an admin.

EDIT: The password has been taken off the server. When you guys read this, please join me online (all AoB members!.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2013, 03:06:55 PM by General Jake »

I'd like to run a project, but I'm afraid I don't have the time to commit to a big project at the moment...last semester of high school, here. I'll get on this weekend.

I'd like to run a project, but I'm afraid I don't have the time to commit to a big project at the moment...last semester of high school, here. I'll get on this weekend.

If you want, you can PM me or we can meet to discuss the details.

I'd like to do a project that more closely integrations architecture with the engineering division, any suggestions? Perhaps an RPG map? A sports/entertainment arena?

I'd like to do a project that more closely integrations architecture with the engineering division, any suggestions? Perhaps an RPG map? A sports/entertainment arena?
What about some kind of an inner city RP, like a GTA lol

What about some kind of an inner city RP, like a GTA lol

I don't like heading in the direction of City RP for a couple reasons, one being the obvious lack of originality. I know it's hard to be completely original, but City RP's have been around forever and are extraordinarily common. And to make a complete, top-notch quality City RP, you have to sacrifice one of a few key aspects that would make it great. Some give up detailed building for the sake of brick count and size, some give up player freedom because of the userbase, some give up authenticity and detail in the City RP system, as an extremely basic City add-on is of course the most used and accessible to users.

Bottom line, ideally, no.

I've had a new-ish idea for a space station.

I would start by making a specific kind of module-lock, then everyone would have a part of the station to build, connected by these connector/lock affairs. Some parts would be repeated, like halls, living modules, laboratories, station utilities, etc; others would be few or singular, like lounges, hangar, docking port, etc.

How does this roll with the local masses?

Good idea, but i'd like if we did something completely new. Something that noone has ever done in blockland before

Shouldnt we finish the university first you guys:c