Author Topic: Bronies  (Read 25686 times)

I hope you people die a horrible death so the rest of us can die peacefully.

I'm not a fan of ponies myself but damn man that's a tad bit harsh.

Wait, people still give a stuff about this?

If you people can't handle a few 75x75 images and the occasional(!)forbidden "outside the megathread" posts, I can think of another group of people who are currently "causing the downfall of the human race". You're a crybaby.


also lol@people responding to stocking
I love you.

yes because stocking has all that makeup and stuff

That's not a very respectful way to address posters who are above you socially and economically. My name should be capitalized, pronouns referring to me are to be in all caps. If you wish, you may address me as "Ms. Stocking" or simply "Your Majesty"/"HER Majesty."

yes because stocking has all that makeup and stuff

No she looks younger as in not fully a woman yet. Aw forget it's hard to explain. Look at a picture of someone when there 12, 14, 16, and 18. Stocking looks like she's around the 12-14 stage.

That's not a very respectful way to address posters who are above you socially and economically. My name should be capitalized, pronouns referring to me are to be in all caps. If you wish, you may address me as "Ms. Stocking" or simply "Your Majesty"/"HER Majesty."

what are you going to do, have me arrested, socking?

yes because stocking has all that makeup and stuff
ok that pic of you was actually disgusting, you have no right to call anyone ugly lol. you are actually the perfect image of what i imagine 90% of forums like these are full of.

i mean stocking isnt hot (altho she probs has a bangin ass booty as i said before) but i mean you are just gross af

ok that pic of you was actually disgusting, you have no right to call anyone ugly lol. you are actually the perfect image of what i imagine 90% of forums like these are full of.

i mean stocking isnt hot (altho she probs has a bangin ass booty as i said before) but i mean you are just gross af
its funny because that picture was low quality

its funny because that picture was low quality

What's with that big ass wrinkle on the side of your face?

What's with that big ass wrinkle on the side of your face?
im fat and i dont care

you can try to burn it in as much as you want people

its funny because that picture was low quality
wtf lol
what does that have to do with you being overweight and gross looking?

im fat and i dont care

you can try to burn it in as much as you want people
also that was only the side of my face, as i had to look back and caused features like so

No she looks younger as in not fully a woman yet. Aw forget it's hard to explain. Look at a picture of someone when there 12, 14, 16, and 18. Stocking looks like she's around the 12-14 stage.


what are you going to do, have me arrested, socking?

No I'm just trying to be the better person here and I'm trying to help you repair your reputation. Everyone is making jokes about you behind your back and you've already become a laughing-stock to the intellectual community here.

im fat and i dont care

you can try to burn it in as much as you want people

I think it'd be a lot more productive to burn the fat by having you work as our personal servants for a while. We'd only feed you scraps of course, but it'll teach you to know your place and you'd get down to a healthy weight at the same time.

Lol the internet is a funny place.

Rage all you want, butthurt pony-haters, it won't get people to stop posting ponies.


No I'm just trying to be the better person here and I'm trying to help you repair your reputation. Everyone is making jokes about you behind your back and you've already become a laughing-stock to the intellectual community here.

I think it'd be a lot more productive to burn the fat by having you work as our personal servants for a while. We'd only feed you scraps of course, but it'll teach you to know your place and you'd get down to a healthy weight at the same time.

Oh that makes sense. There was bad lighting before.

No I'm just trying to be the better person here and I'm trying to help you repair your reputation. Everyone is making jokes about you behind your back and you've already become a laughing-stock to the intellectual community here.

I think it'd be a lot more productive to burn the fat by having you work as our personal servants for a while. We'd only feed you scraps of course, but it'll teach you to know your place and you'd get down to a healthy weight at the same time.
Oh my god, this is a major joke. That's it, I can't take it! You people can't see the reality of how idiotic this Brony fandom is, and Stocking here is trying to veer our attention from that.

Goodbye, find any stupid reason you want to get me banned, go ahead.

User was banned for this post
« Last Edit: January 05, 2013, 09:03:36 AM by Badspot »